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Clusterpedia supports complex search for multi-cluster resources, specified cluster resoruces, and Collection Resources.

And these complex search conditions can be passed to Clusterpedia APIServer in two ways:

  • URL Query: directly pass query conditions as Query
  • Search Labels: to keep compatible with Kubernetes OpenAPI, the search conditions can be set via Label Selector

Both Search Labels and URL Query support same operators as Label Selector:

  • exist, not exist
  • =, ==, !=
  • in, notin

In addition to conditional retrieval, Clusterpedia also enhances Field Selector to meet the filtering requirements by fields such as metadata.annotation or status.*.

Search by metadata

Supported Operators: ==, =, in.

Role search label key url query
Filter cluster names clusters
Filter namespaces namespaces
Filter resource names names

Current, we don’t support operators such as !=, notin operators, if you have these needs or scenarios, you can discuss them in the issue.

Supported Operators: ==, =, in.

This feature is expermental and only search label are available for now

Role search label key url query
Fuzzy Search for resource name -

Search by creation time interval

Supported Operators: ==, =.

The search is based on the creation time interval of the resource, using a left-closed, right-open internval.

Role search label key url query
Search since
Before before

There are four formats for creation time:

  1. Unix Timestamp for ease of use will distinguish between units of s or ms based on the length of the timestamp. The 10-bit timestamp is in seconds, the 13-bit timestamp is in milliseconds.
  2. RFC3339 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z or 2006-01-02T15:04:05+08:00
  3. UTC Date 2006-01-02
  4. UTC Datetime 2006-01-02 15:04:05

Because of the limitation of the kube label selector, the search label only supports Unix Timestamp and UTC Date.

All formats are available using the url query method.

Search by Owner

Supported Operators: ==, =.

Role search label key url query
Specified Owner UID ownerUID
Specified Owner Name ownerName
SPecified Owner Group Resource ownerGR
Specified Owner Seniority ownerSeniority

Note that when specifying Owner UID, Owner Name and Owner Group Resource will be ignored.

The format of the Owner Group Resource is, for example deployments.apps or nodes.


Supported Operators: =, ==, in.

Role search label key url query
Order by fields orderby


Supported Operators: =, ==.

Role search label key url query
Set page size limit
Set page offset continue
Response required with Continue withContinue
Response required with remaining count withRemainingCount

When you perform operations with kubectl, the page size can only be set via kubectl --chunk-size, because kubectl will set the default limit to 500.

Label Selector

Regardless of kubectl or URL, all Label Selectors that do not contain in the Key will be used as Label Selectors to filter resources.

All behaviors are consistent with those provided by Kubernetes.

Role kubectl url query
Filter by labels kubectl -l or kubectl --label-selector labelSelector

Field Selector

Field Selector is consistent with Label Selector in terms of operators, and Clusterpedia also supports:

exist, not exist, ==, =, !=, in, notin.

All command parameters for URL and kubectl are same as those for Field Selector.

Role kubectl url query
Filter by fields kubectl --field-selector fieldSelector

For details refer to:

Custom search is a feature provided by the default storage layer to meet more flexible and variable search needs of users.

Feature search label key url query
custom SQL used for filter - whereSQL

Custom search is not supported by search label, only url query can be used to pass custom search SQL.

In addition, this feature is still in alpha stage, you need to open the corresponding Feature Gate in clusterpedia apiserver, for details, please refer to Raw SQL Query

CollectionResource URL Query

The following URL Query belongs exclusively to Collection Resource.

Role url query example
get only the metadata of the resource onlyMetadata onlyMetadata=true
specify the groups of any collectionresource groups groups=apps,
specify the resources of any collectionresource resources resources=apps/deployments,batch/v1/cronjobs

1 - Multiple Clusters

Multi-cluster resource search allows us to filter resources in multiple clusters at once based on query criteria, and provides the ability to paginate and sort these resources.

When using kubectl, we can see what resources are currently available for search

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia api-resources
# Output:
configmaps    cm           v1                   true         ConfigMap
namespaces    ns           v1                   false        Namespace
nodes         no           v1                   false        Node
pods          po           v1                   true         Pod
secrets                    v1                   true         Secret
daemonsets    ds           apps/v1              true         DaemonSet
deployments   deploy       apps/v1              true         Deployment
replicasets   rs           apps/v1              true         ReplicaSet
issuers             true         Issuer

Clusterpedia provides multi-cluster resource search based on all cluster-synchronized resources, and we can view Sync Cluster Resources to update the resources that need to be synchronized.

Basic Features

Specify Clusters

When searching multiple clusters, all clusters will be retrieved by default, we can also specify a single cluster or a group of clusters

Use Search Label to specify a group of clusters.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -l " in (cluster-1,cluster-2)"
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d

For specifying a single cluster search, we can also use Search Label to set it up, or see Search in Specified Cluster to specify a cluster using URL Path.

# specifying a single cluster
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -l ""

# specifying a cluster can also be done with --cluster <cluster name>
kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deployments

When using URL, use clusters as URL Query to pass.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

If we specify a single cluster, we can also put the cluster name in the URL Path.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

Lean More Specify Cluster Search

Specify Namespaces

We can specify a single namespace or all namespaces as if we were viewing a native Kubernetes resource.

Use -n <namespace> to specify the namespace, the default is in the default namespace

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -n kube-system
# Output:
CLUSTER     NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d

Use -A or --all-namespaces to see the resources under all namespaces for all clusters

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-scheduler      0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-web            0/1     1            0           54d

The URL Path to get the resources is the same as the native Kubernetes /apis/apps/v1/deployments.

We just need to prefix the path to Clusterpedia Resources with /apis/ to indicate that it is currently a Clusterpedia request.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

# Specify namespace
kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

In addition to specifying a single namespace, we can also specify to search the resources under a group of namespaces.

Use Search Label to specify a group of namespaces.

Be sure to specify the -A flag to avoid kubectl setting default namespace in the path.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l " in (kube-system, default)"
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-scheduler      0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-web            0/1     1            0           54d

When using URL, we don’t need to use Label Selector to pass parameters, just use URL Query - namespaces

kubectl get --raw="/apis/,default"

Specify Resource Names

Users can filter resources by a group of resource names

Use Search Label to specify a group of resource names.

Note: To search for resources under all namespaces, specify the -A flag, or use -n to specify the namespace.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l ""
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d

When using URL, use names to pass as URL Query, and if you need to specify namespaces, then add namespace to the path.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/,dd-airflow-web"

# search resources with specified names under default namespace
kubectl get --raw="/apis/,dd-airflow-web"

When searching from multiple clusters, the data returned is actually encapsulated in a structure similar to DeploymentList.

If we want to get a single Deployment then we need to specify the cluster name in the URL path, refer to Get Single Resource

Creation Time Interval

The creation time interval used for the search is left closed and right open, since <= creation time < before.

For more details on the time interval parameters, see Search by Creation Time Interval

Use Search Label - and to specify the time interval respectively.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l ", \"

When using URLs, you can use Query - since and before to specify the time interval respectively.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

Currently supports fuzzy search based on resource names.

Since fuzzy search needs to be discussed further, it is temporarily provided as an experimental feature.

Only the Search Label method is supported, URL Query isn’t supported.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l ""

Filters out deployments whose names contain the test string.

You can use the in operator to pass multiple fuzzy arguments, so that you can filter out resources that have all strings in their names.

Field Selector

Native Kubernetes currently only supports field filtering on and metadata.namespace, and the operators only support =, !=, ==`, which is very limited.

Clusterpedia provides more powerful features based on the compatibility with existing Field Selector features, and supports the same operators as Label Selector.

Field Selector’s key currently supports three formats.

  • Use . to sperate fields
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --field-selector="status.phase=Running"

# we can also add the first character `.`
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --field-selector=".status.phase notin (Running,Succeeded)"
  • Field names wrapped in '' or "" can be used for fields with illegal characters like .
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deploy \
    --field-selector="metadata.annotations[''] in (value1,value2),spec.replica=3"
  • Use [] to separate fields, the string inside [] must be wrapped with '' or ""
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --field-selector="status['phase']!=Running"

Support List Fields

The actual design of field filtering takes into account the filtering of fields within list elements, but more discussion is needed as to whether the usage scenario actually makes sense: issue: support list field filtering


kubectl get po --field-selector="spec.containers[].name!=container1"

kubectl get po --field-selector="spec.containers[].name == container1"

kubectl get po --field-selector="spec.containers[1].name in (container1,container2)"

Search by Parent or Ancestor Owner

Searching by Owner is a very useful search function, and Clusterpedia also supports the seniority advancement of Owner to search for grandparents and even higher seniority.

By searching by Owner, we can query all Pods under Deployment at once, without having to query ReplicaSet in between.

When using the Owner query, we must specify a single cluster, either as a Serach Label or URL Query, or you can specify the cluster name in the URL Path.

For details on how to search by Owner, you can refer to Search by Parent or Ancestor Owenr within a specified cluster

Paging and Sorting

Paging and sorting are essential features for resource retrieval.

Sorting by multiple fields

Multiple fields can be specified for sorting, and the support for sorting fields is determined by the Storage Layer.

The current Default Storage Layer supports sorting clusternamespacenamecreated_atresource_version in both asc and desc, and the fields are also supported in any combination

Sorting using multiple fields

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods -l \
    " in (cluster, name)"

Because of Label Selector’s validation of value, order by desc requires _desc at the end of the field.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods -l \
    " in (namespace_desc, cluster, name)"

Use URL Query to specify sorting fields

kubectl get --raw="/apis/,cluster"

When specifying a field in order by desc, add desc to the end of the field, separated by spaces

kubectl get --raw="/apis/ desc,cluster"


Native Kubernetes actually supports paging, and fields for paging queries already exist in ListOptions.

Clusterpedia reuses the ListOptions.Limit and ListOptions.Continue fields as the size and offset for paging.

kubectl --chunk-size is actually used for paging pulls by setting ListOptions.Limit.

The native Kubernetes APIServer carries the continue for the next list in the returned response, and performs the next list based on --chunk-size and conintue until the conintue is empty in the response data.

Clusterpedia does not return the continue field in the response by default in order to ensure paged search in kubectl, which prevents kubectl from pulling all data using chunks.

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods --chunk-size 10

Note that kubectl sets the limit to the default value of 500 without setting --chunk-size, which means that does not actually take effect and is only used to correspond to

URL Query has a higher priority than Search Label

There is no flag to set for continue in kubectl. So you have to use Search Label to pass it.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --chunk-size 10 -l \

To paginate resources, just set the limit and continue in the URL.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

Response With Continue

ListMeta.Continue can be used in ListOptions.Continue as the offset for the next request.

As mentioned in the paging feature, Clusterepdia does not have continue in the response to prevent kubectl from pulling the full amount of data in pieces.

However, if the user requires it, he can request that the response include continue.

When accessing Clusterepdia using a URL, the response' continue can be used as the offset for the next request.

Use with paging

kubectl get --raw="/apis/" | jq
  "kind": "DeploymentList",
  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "metadata": {
    "continue": "1"
  "items": [

Setting in kubectl will result in pulling the full amount of resources as a paged pull.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deploy -l \

Response With Remaining Count

In some UI cases, it is often necessary to get the total number of resources in the current search condition.

The RemainingItemCount field exists in the ListMeta of the Kubernetes List response.

By reusing this field, the total number of resources can be returned in a Kubernetes OpenAPI-compatible manner:

offset + len(list.items) + list.metadata.remainingItemCount

When offset is too large, remainingItemCount may be negative, ensuring that the total number of resources can always be calculated.

Set withRemainingCount in the URL Query to request that the response include the number of remaining resources.

Use with paging

kubectl get --raw="/apis/" | jq
  "kind": "DeploymentList",
  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "metadata": {
    "remainingItemCount": 23
  "items": [

Need to use this feature as a URL

2 - Specified a Cluster

In addition to searching in multiple clusters, Clusterpedia can also search for resources in a specified cluster.

Using Search Label or URL Query to specify a single cluster is not different from specifying a cluster in URL Path in terms of performance

This topic focuses on specifying clusters in URL Path

Before using kubectl in the way of specifying a cluster, you need to configure the cluster shortcut for kubectl

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deployments -n kube-system
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d

Specify a cluster by using the cluster name in the URL path

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

You can also specify a single cluster by URL Query

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

The function supported by searching in a specified cluster is basically the same as that of multi-cluster search.

It is more convenient for searching by Owner in a specified cluster. In addition, when getting a single resource, you can only use the specified cluster in the URL Path.

Search by Parent or Ancestor Owner

To query by Owner, you shall specify a single cluster. You can use Search Label or URL Query to specify, or specify the cluster name in the URL Path.

Searching for resources based on ancestor owners can be done with Owner UID or Owner Name, and with Owner Seniority for Owner seniority advancement.

For the specific query parameters, you can refer to Search by Owner

In this way, you can directly search for the Pods corresponding to a Deployment without having to query which ReplicaSet belong to that Deployment.

Use the Owner UID

Owner Name and Owner Group Resource will be ignored after Owner UID is specified.

Firstly use kubectl to get Deployment UID

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deploy fake-deploy -o jsonpath="{.metadata.uid}"

Getting the uid under kubectl may be tricky, but it’s usually already easier to check metadata.uid in UI scenarios

Use owner-uid to specify Owner UID and use owner-seniority to promote the Owner’s seniority.

owner-seniority is 0 by default, which represents Owner is parent. If you set it to 1, Owenr can be promoted to grandfather

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods -l \

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

Use the Owner Name

If the Owner UID is not known in advance, then using Owner UID is a more troublesome way.

We can specify the Owner by it’s name, and we can also specify Owner Group Resource to restrict the Owner’s Group Resource.

Again, let’s take the example of getting the corresponding Pods under Deployment.

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods -l \

In addition, to avoid multiple types of owner resources in some cases, we can use the Owner Group Resource to restrict the type of owner.

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods -l \

kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

Get a single resource

When we want to use the resource name to get (Get) a resource, we must pass the cluster name in the URL Path, just like namespace.

If a resource name is passed in a multi-cluster mode, an error will be reported

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deploy fake-deploy 
# Output:
cluster-1   fake-deploy 1/1     1            1           35d

Certainly, you can use Search Label to specify a resource name in the case of kubectl.

However, if you use -o yaml or other methods to check the returned source data, it is different from using kubectl --cluster <cluster name>.

# The actual server returns the DeploymentList resource, which is replaced with a list by kubectl
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deploy -l 
    ",\" -o yaml
# Output:
apiVersion: v1
- ...
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""
  selfLink: ""

The actual returned resource is still a KindList, while kubectl --cluster <clsuter name> returns a specific Kind.

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deploy fake-deploy -o yaml
# Output:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  annotations: "1" cluster-1
  creationTimestamp: "2021-12-16T02:26:29Z"
  generation: 2
  name: fake-deploy
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "38085769"
  uid: 151ae265-28fe-4734-850e-b641266cd5da

The URL to get a specified resource can be divided into three parts:

  • Prefix to search for resource: /apis/
  • Specified cluster name: /clusters/< cluster name >
  • Resource name for Kubernetes API: Path /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/< namespace >/deployments/< resource name >
kubectl get --raw="/apis/"

3 - Collection Resource

For collection resource, refer to What is Collection Resource

Due to the limitation of kubectl, we cannot pass search conditions through Label Selector or other methods, so it is recommended to search for Collection Resource by using a URL.

When requesting Collection Resource, you shall use paging because the number of resources may be very large.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/" | jq
# Output
  "kind": "CollectionResource",
  "apiVersion": "",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "workloads",
    "creationTimestamp": null
  "resourceTypes": [
      "group": "apps",
      "version": "v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",
      "resource": "deployments"
      "group": "apps",
      "version": "v1",
      "resource": "daemonsets"
      "group": "apps",
      "version": "v1",
      "resource": "statefulsets"
  "items": [
      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",

The complex search of Collection Resource is basically the same as the function of multi-cluster resource search, only some operations are not supported:

  • Search by Owner is not supported. If you need to specify a specific resource type to search by Owner, you can refer to multi-cluster resource search and specified cluster search
  • Getting a specific single resource in Collection Resource is not supported, because you shall specify cluster and type for a specific resource. In this case, you can use Get a single resource.

It is not easy to search for Collection Resource by using kubectl. However, you can have a try.

kubectl cannot pass pages and other search conditions and may get all Collection Resources at one time. It is not recommended to use kubectl to view Collection Resource if a large number of clusters are imported or a cluster has many deployments, daemonsets and statefulsets resources.

kubectl get collectionresources workloads
# Output
CLUSTER     GROUP   VERSION   KIND         NAMESPACE                     NAME                                          AGE
cluster-1   apps    v1        DaemonSet    kube-system                   vsphere-cloud-controller-manager              63d
cluster-2   apps    v1        Deployment   kube-system                   calico-kube-controllers                       109d
cluster-2   apps    v1        Deployment   kube-system                   coredns-coredns                               109d

Search for Collection Resource by using URL

Only Metadata

When we retrieve a CollectionResource, the default resource is the full resource content, but sometimes we just need to retrieve the metadata of the resource.

We can use url query – onlyMetadata to retrieve only the resource metadata when retrieving.

$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq
  "kind": "CollectionResource",
  "apiVersion": "",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "workloads",
    "creationTimestamp": null
  "resourceTypes": [
      "group": "apps",
      "version": "v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",
      "resource": "deployments"
  "items": [
      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",
      "metadata": {
        "annotations": {
          "": "1",
          "": "cluster-example"
        "creationTimestamp": "2021-09-24T10:19:19Z",
        "generation": 1,
        "labels": {
          "k8s-app": "tigera-operator"
        "name": "tigera-operator",
        "namespace": "tigera-operator",
        "resourceVersion": "125073610",
        "uid": "992f9d53-37cb-4184-a004-15b278b11f79"

Any CollectionResource

any collectionresource is one of the ways that users can freely combine resource types with custom collection resources to see more.

clusterpedia supports a special CollectionResource —— any.

$ kubectl get collectionresources
any             *

When retrieving any collectionresource, we must specify a set of resource types by url query, so we can only retrieve any collectionresource via clusterpedia-io/client-go or URL.

$ kubectl get collectionresources any
Error from server (BadRequest): url query - `groups` or `resources` is required

any collectionresource supports two url queries —— groups and resources

groups and resources can be specified together, currently they are taken together and are not de-duplicated, the caller is responsible for de-duplication, there are some future optimizations for this behavior.

$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/,batch/cronjobs" | jq


groups can specify a group and version of a set of resources, with multiple group versions separated by ,,

the group version format is < group >/< version >, or no version can be specified < group >, for resources under /api, you can just use the empty string.

Example: groups=apps/v1,,batch specifies three groups apps/v1, core, batch.


resources can specify a specific resource type, multiple resource types are separated by ,,

the resource type format is < group >/< version >/< resource>, by also not specifying the version < group >/< resource >.

Example: resources=apps/v1/deployments,apps/daemonsets,/pods specifies three resources deloyments, daemonsets and pods.