
Clusterpedia supports complex search for multi-cluster resources, specified cluster resoruces, and Collection Resources.

And these complex search conditions can be passed to Clusterpedia APIServer in two ways:

  • URL Query: directly pass query conditions as Query
  • Search Labels: to keep compatible with Kubernetes OpenAPI, the search conditions can be set via Label Selector

Both Search Labels and URL Query support same operators as Label Selector:

  • exist, not exist
  • =, ==, !=
  • in, notin

In addition to conditional retrieval, Clusterpedia also enhances Field Selector to meet the filtering requirements by fields such as metadata.annotation or status.*.

Search by metadata

Supported Operators: ==, =, in.

Role search label key url query
Filter cluster names clusters
Filter namespaces namespaces
Filter resource names names

Current, we don’t support operators such as !=, notin operators, if you have these needs or scenarios, you can discuss them in the issue.

Supported Operators: ==, =, in.

This feature is expermental and only search label are available for now

Role search label key url query
Fuzzy Search for resource name -

Search by creation time interval

Supported Operators: ==, =.

The search is based on the creation time interval of the resource, using a left-closed, right-open internval.

Role search label key url query
Search since
Before before

There are four formats for creation time:

  1. Unix Timestamp for ease of use will distinguish between units of s or ms based on the length of the timestamp. The 10-bit timestamp is in seconds, the 13-bit timestamp is in milliseconds.
  2. RFC3339 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z or 2006-01-02T15:04:05+08:00
  3. UTC Date 2006-01-02
  4. UTC Datetime 2006-01-02 15:04:05

Because of the limitation of the kube label selector, the search label only supports Unix Timestamp and UTC Date.

All formats are available using the url query method.

Search by Owner

Supported Operators: ==, =.

Role search label key url query
Specified Owner UID ownerUID
Specified Owner Name ownerName
SPecified Owner Group Resource ownerGR
Specified Owner Seniority ownerSeniority

Note that when specifying Owner UID, Owner Name and Owner Group Resource will be ignored.

The format of the Owner Group Resource is, for example deployments.apps or nodes.


Supported Operators: =, ==, in.

Role search label key url query
Order by fields orderby


Supported Operators: =, ==.

Role search label key url query
Set page size limit
Set page offset continue
Response required with Continue withContinue
Response required with remaining count withRemainingCount

When you perform operations with kubectl, the page size can only be set via kubectl --chunk-size, because kubectl will set the default limit to 500.

Label Selector

Regardless of kubectl or URL, all Label Selectors that do not contain in the Key will be used as Label Selectors to filter resources.

All behaviors are consistent with those provided by Kubernetes.

Role kubectl url query
Filter by labels kubectl -l or kubectl --label-selector labelSelector

Field Selector

Field Selector is consistent with Label Selector in terms of operators, and Clusterpedia also supports:

exist, not exist, ==, =, !=, in, notin.

All command parameters for URL and kubectl are same as those for Field Selector.

Role kubectl url query
Filter by fields kubectl --field-selector fieldSelector

For details refer to:

Custom search is a feature provided by the default storage layer to meet more flexible and variable search needs of users.

Feature search label key url query
custom SQL used for filter - whereSQL

Custom search is not supported by search label, only url query can be used to pass custom search SQL.

In addition, this feature is still in alpha stage, you need to open the corresponding Feature Gate in clusterpedia apiserver, for details, please refer to Raw SQL Query

CollectionResource URL Query

The following URL Query belongs exclusively to Collection Resource.

Role url query example
get only the metadata of the resource onlyMetadata onlyMetadata=true
specify the groups of any collectionresource groups groups=apps,
specify the resources of any collectionresource resources resources=apps/deployments,batch/v1/cronjobs