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1 - Configure Storage Layer

Default Storage Layer of Clusterpedia supports two storage components: MySQL and PostgreSQL.

When installing Clusterpedia, you can use existing storage component and create Default Storage Layer(ConfigMap) and Secret of storage component.

Configure the Default Storage Layer

You shall create clusterpedia-internalstorage ConfigMap in the clusterpedia-system namespace.

# internalstorage configmap example
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: clusterpedia-internalstorage
  namespace: clusterpedia-system
  internalstorage-config.yaml: |
    type: "mysql"
    host: "clusterpedia-internalstorage-mysql"
    port: 3306
    user: root
    database: "clusterpedia"
      maxIdleConns: 10
      maxOpenConns: 100
      connMaxLifetime: 1h
      slowThreshold: "100ms"
        filename: /var/log/clusterpedia/internalstorage.log
        maxbackups: 3    

Default Storage Layer config supports the following fields:

field description
type type of storage component such as “postgres” and “mysql”
host host for storage component such as IP address or Service Name
port port for storage component
user user for storage component
password password for storage component
database the database used by Clusterpedia

It is a good choice to store the access password to Secret. For details see Configure Secret of storage component

Connection Pool

field description default value
connPool.maxIdleConns the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool. 10
connPool.maxOpenConns the maximum number of open connections to the database. 100
connPool.connMaxLifetime the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused. 1h

Set up the database connection pool according to the user’s current environment.

Configure log

Clusterpedia supports to configure logs for storage layer, enabling the log to record slow SQL queries and errors via the log field.

field description
log.stdout Output log to standard device
log.colorful Enable color print or not
log.slowThreshold Set threshold for slow SQL queries such as “100ms”
log.level Set the severity level such as Slient, Error, Warn, Info
log.logger configure rolling logger

After enabling log, if log.stdout is not set to true, the log will be output to /var/log/clusterpedia/internalstorage.log

Rolling logger

Write storage lay logs to file, and configure log file rotation

field description
log.logger.filename the file to write logs to, backup log files will be retained in the same directory, default is /var/log/clusterpedia/internalstorage.log
log.logger.maxsize the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. default is 100 MB.
log.logger.maxage the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename.
log.logger.maxbackups the maximum number of old log files to retain.
log.logger.localtime whether it is local time, default is to use UTC time
log.logger.compress compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip.

Disable log

If the log field is not filled in the internalstorage config, log will be ignored, for example:

type: "mysql"
host: "clusterpedia-internalstorage-mysql"
port: 3306
user: root
database: "clusterpedia"

More configuration

The default storage layer also provides more configurations about MySQL and PostgreSQL. Refer to internalstorage/config.go.

Configure Secret

The yaml file that is used to install Clusterpedia may get the password from internalstorage-password Secret.

Configure the storage component password to Secret

kubectl -n clusterpedia-system create secret generic \
    internalstorage-password --from-literal=password=<password to access storage components>