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Advanced Features

1 - Multi-Cluster kube-state-metrics

Clusterpedia provides kube-state-metrics features for multi-cluster resources at a fraction of the cost, providing the same metrics information as kube-state-metrics, but with the addition of a cluster name label.

kube_deployment_created{cluster="test-14",namespace="clusterpedia-system",deployment="clusterpedia-apiserver"} 1.676557618e+09

Since this feature is experimental, you will install Clusterpedia the standard way first.

Once Clusterpedia is installed, we need to update the helm to enable the multi-cluster kube-state-metrics feature.

The kube-state-metrics feature has been merged into the main branch and will be included in v0.8.0 in the future. The feature is included in the

Enable Multi-Cluster kube-state-metrics

Ensure Clusterpedia Chart Version >= v1.8.0

$ helm repo update clusterpedia
$ helm search clusterpedia
 NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
 clusterpedia/clusterpedia       1.8.0           v0.7.0          A Helm chart for Kubernetes

Get the current chart values

$ helm -n clusterpedia-system get values clusterpedia > values.yaml

Create patch values

$ echo "clustersynchroManager:
    repository: iceber/clusterpedia/clustersynchro-manager
    tag: v0.8.0-ksm.1
    enabled: true
" > patch.yaml

Update Clusterpedia to enable multi-cluster kube-state-metrics.

$ helm -n clusterpedia-system upgrade -f values.yaml -f patch.yaml clusterpedia clusterpedia/clusterpedia

Get clusterpedia kube-state-metrics services

$ kubectl -n clusterpedia-system get svc
NAME                                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
clusterpedia-apiserver                        ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP    150d
clusterpedia-clustersynchro-manager-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        8081/TCP   51m
clusterpedia-kube-state-metrics               ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   43m
clusterpedia-mysql                            ClusterIP   <none>        3306/TCP   150d
clusterpedia-mysql-headless                   ClusterIP   None            <none>        3306/TCP   150d

For more information on importing clusters and using clusterpedia: Import Clusters


Multi-cluster kube-state-metrics is a very interesting feature that removes the need to install a single-cluster version of kube-state-metrics in each cluster, and it handles the issue of differing resource versions very well.

There is a lot of discussion about this feature here, feel free to comment!

Also welcome to create a new issue

2 - Custom Storage Layer Plugin

Clusterpedia can use different storage components such as MySQL/PostgreSQL, Memory, Elasticsearch through the storage layer.

Currently, Clusterpedia has two built-in storage layers:

  • The internalstorage storage layer for accessing relational databases.
  • The memory storage layer based on Memory

Although Clusterpedia already supports relational databases and memory by default, user requirements are often variable and complex, and a fixed storage layer may not match the requirements of different users for storage components and performance, so Clusterpedia supports access to user-implemented storage layers by means of plugins, which we call custom storage layer plugins, or storage plugins for short.

With the storage plugin, users can do the following things:

  • Use any storage component, such as Elasticsearch, RedisGraph, Etcd, or even MessageQueue with no problem
  • Allow users to optimize the storage format and query performance of resources for their business
  • Implement more advanced retrieval features for storage components

Clusterpedia also maintains a number of storage plugins that users can choose from, depending on your needs:

Storage plugins are loaded by Clusterpedia components via Go Plugin, which provides very flexible plug-in access without any performance loss compared to RPC or other methods.

The performance impact of the Go Plugin can be found at

As we all know, Go Plugin is troublesome to develop and use, but Clusterpedia cleverly optimizes the use and development of storage plugins through some mechanisms, and provides clusterpedia-io/sample-storage plugin as a reference.

Here we take clusterpedia-io/sample-storage as an example to introduce.

Use the custom storage layer plugin

The use of the storage plugin can be broadly divided into three ways:

  1. Run the Clusterpedia component binary and load the storage plugins
  2. Use the base Chart – clusterpedia-core to set up the storage plugin image and configure the storage layer
  3. Use the Clusterpedia Advanced Chart to not care about the storage plugin settings

By running the component binary locally, we can get a better understanding of how the Cluserpedia component loads and runs the storage plugins.

Users can actually use the storage plugin image already built, or deploy Clusterpedia Advanced Chart directly

Local Run

Building Plugins

A storage plugin is actually a dynamic link library with a .so suffix. Clusterpedia components can load storage plugins at startup and use specific storage plugins depending on the specified storage layer name.

Let’s take clusterpedia-io/sample-storage as an example and build a storage plugin binary

$ git clone --recursive && cd sample-storage
$ make build-plugin

Use the file command to view storage plugin information

$ file ./plugins/
./plugins/ Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64

Clusterpedia’s ClusterSynchro Manager and APIServer components can load and use storage plugins via environment variables and command flags:

  • STORAGE_PLUGINS=<plugins dir> environment variable sets the directory where the plugins are located, and Clusterpedia will load all plugins in that directory into the component
  • --storage-name=<storage name> command flag, set the storage layer name
  • --storage-config=<storage config path> command flag, set the storage layer configuration

Building components

To ensure consistent dependencies when running locally, clusterpedia components need to be built locally with the make build-components command

For more information on building storage plugins and Clusterpedia components see Developing custom storage layer plugins

$ # cd sample-storage
$ make build-components
$ ls -al ./bin
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  90707488 11  7 11:15 apiserver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  91896016 11  7 11:16 binding-apiserver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  82769728 11  7 11:16 clustersynchro-manager
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  45682000 11  7 11:17 controller-manager

Storage plugin runtime configuration file

Before running clusterpedia you also need to prepare the runtime configuration file for the storage plugin. sample-storage provides an example configuration example-config.yaml

When running the clusterpedia component, set the configuration file via --storage-config=./config.yaml to specify the runtime configuration file

# example-config.yaml
type: mysql
port: "3306"
user: root
password: dangerous0
database: clusterpedia
  stdout: true
  colorful: true
  slowThreshold: 100ms

The user needs to configure the runtime configuration according to the selected storage layer

Run clusterpedia clustersynchro manager

$ STORAGE_PLUGINS=./plugins ./bin/clustersynchro-manager --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
    --storage-name=sample-storage-layer \
    --storage-config ./config.yaml

Run clusterpedia apiserver

You can choose not to use your own generated certificate, which requires running apiserver without the -client-ca-file ca.crt flag.

$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt
$ openssl req -out client.csr -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout client.key -subj "/CN=development/O=system:masters"
$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -sha256 -out client.crt

run apiserver

$ STORAGE_PLUGINS=./plugins ./bin/apiserver --client-ca-file ca.crt  --secure-port 8443 \
    --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
    --authentication-kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
    --authorization-kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
    --storage-name=sample-storage-layer \
    --storage-config ./config.yaml

Storage Plugin Image + Helm Charts

Clusterpeida already provides several Charts:

  • charts/clusterpedia is a Chart using the internalstorage storage layer, which can be optionally deployed with MySQL or PostgreSQL, but does not support setting up storage plugins
  • charts/clusterpedia-core supports configuration of any storage layer Chart, usually used as a child Chart
  • charts/clusterpedia-mysql is an advanced Chart using MySQL as the storage component, based on clusterpedia-core implementation
  • charts/clusterpedia-postgresql is an advanced Chart using PostgreSQL as the storage component, based on the clusterpedia-core implementation
  • charts/clusterpedia-elasticsearch uses Elasticsearch as the advanced Chart for the storage component, based on the clusterpedia-core implementation

If you don’t need a storage plugin and the internalstorage storage layer and relational database are sufficient, you can use charts/clusterpedia directly, out of the box.

clusterpedia-mysqlclusterpedia-postgresql and clusterpedia-elasticsearch are advanced Charts based on charts/clusterpedia-core, in which the user is shielded from the complex concept of storage plugins by default configuration of clusterpedia-core’s storage plugin image and storage layer configuration, right out of the box.

Although we usually use Advanced Charts directly in our usage, knowing how to use charts/clusterpedia-core to set up storage plugin images gives us a better understanding of how plugin images work.


Let’s take clusterpedia-io/sample-storage as an example and deploy Clusterpedia using the plugin image.

The clusterpedia-core does not involve the deployment and installation of any storage components, so users need to configure the storage layer according to the deployed storage components

# myvalues.yaml
  name: "sample-storage-layer"
    repository: clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer
    tag: v0.0.0-v0.6.0
    type: "mysql"
    host: ""
    port: 3306
    user: root
    password: dangerous0
    database: clusterpedia sets the storage layer name of the storage image plugin

clusterpedia-core copies the storage plugins from the plugin image defined by storage.image to the component’s plugin directory.

# helm template clusterpedia -n clusterpedia-system -f myvalues.yaml ./clusterpedia-core
      - name: copy-storage-plugin
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          - /bin/sh
          - -ec
          - cp /plugins/* /var/lib/clusterpedia/plugins/
        - name: storage-plugins
          mountPath: /var/lib/clusterpedia/plugins
      - name: clusterpedia-clusterpedia-core-apiserver
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - /usr/local/bin/apiserver
        - --secure-port=443
        - --storage-name=sample-storage-layer
        - --storage-config=/etc/clusterpedia/storage/config.yaml
        - name: STORAGE_PLUGINS
          value: /var/lib/clusterpedia/plugins
        - name: storage-config
          mountPath: /etc/clusterpedia/storage
          readOnly: true
        - name: storage-plugins
          mountPath: /var/lib/clusterpedia/plugins
          readOnly: true
      - name: storage-config
          name: clusterpedia-clusterpedia-core-sample-storage-layer-config
      - name: storage-plugins
        emptyDir: {}

In addition to using storage.config to define the runtime configuration config.yaml for the storage layer, you can also use the existing configmap and secret.

# myvalues.yaml
  name: "sample-storage-layer"
    repository: clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer
    tag: v0.0.0-v0.6.0

  configMap: "sample-storage-config"
  - name: DB_PASSWORD
        name: "sample-storage-password"
        key: password

clusterpedia-core is very flexible in configuration of the storage layer in order to be referenced by other advanced Charts as a child Chart, but users do not necessarily need to use clusterpedia-core directly in practice, just the advanced Charts deployed for the specific storage component, such as clusterpedia-mysql and clusterpedia-postgresql.

In the next section we will also describe how to implement Advanced Charts for specific storage components based on clusterpedia-core.

Developing custom storage layer plugins

clusterpedia-io/sample-storage is not only a storage plugin example, but also a template repository where the project structure and most of the build tools can be used in other storage plugin projects

We first clone sample-storage, or generate a new storage plugin repository based on sample-storage

$ git clone --recursive && cd sample-storage

Note that when pulling the repository, you need to specify --recursive to pull the sub-repository

$ ls -al
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff    260 12 13 15:14 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff   1836 12 13 16:03 Makefile
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff   2219 11 23 10:25
drwxr-xr-x  32 icebergu  staff   1024 11 23 10:30 clusterpedia
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff    156 11 23 10:25 example-config.yaml
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff   2376 12 13 15:33 go.mod
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff  46109 12 13 15:33 go.sum
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff    139 11 23 10:25 main.go
drwxr-xr-x  16 icebergu  staff    512 12 13 15:33 storage
drwxr-xr-x   9 icebergu  staff    288 12 13 15:33 vendor

The entire project structure is divided into three categories:

  • main.go, storage package: the core logic of the custom storage plugin
  • clusterpedia local repository: used for local development and testing
  • Dockerfile and Makefile for project build and image packaging, which can be applied to any storage plugin project

core logic

main.go is the main storage plugin file, mainly used to call the registration function in the storage package – RegisterStorageLayer.

package main

import (
	plugin ""

func init() {

The storage package contains the core logic of the storage plugin:

  1. Implementing the clusterpedia storage layer interface storage.StorageFactory
import (


type StorageFactory struct {
	db *gorm.DB

var _ storage.StorageFactory = &StorageFactory{}
  1. NewStorageFactory function to return an instance of storage.StorageFactory
func NewStorageFactory(configPath string) (storage.StorageFactory, error)
  1. The RegisterStorageLayer function registers the NewStorageFactory with clusterpedia
const StorageName = "sample-storage-layer"

func RegisterStorageLayer() {
	storage.RegisterStorageFactoryFunc(StorageName, NewStorageFactory)

The registered NewStorageFactory is automatically called when the user specifies the storage layer with --storage-name to create an instance of storage.StorageFactory.

Local development run

To facilitate development and testing, we have added the clusterpedia repository as a subrepository to the storage plugin repository

$ git submodule status
+4608c8d13101d82960525dfe39f51e4f64ed49b3 clusterpedia (v0.6.0)

and replace the clusterpedia repository in go.mod with a local subrepository

# go.mod
replace ( => ./clusterpedia/staging/src/ => ./clusterpedia

The local cluserpedia subrepository will not be used when building the storage layer image

Build storage plugin

The build of the storage plugin is divided into two parts, building the components in the clusterpedia repository and building the storage plugin.

$ make build-components
OUTPUT_DIR=/Users/icebergu/workspace/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer ON_PLUGINS=true \
                /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C clusterpedia all
hack/ apiserver
hack/ binding-apiserver
hack/ clustersynchro-manager
hack/ controller-manager

$ ls -al ./bin
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  90724968 12 15 09:51 apiserver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  91936472 12 15 09:52 binding-apiserver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  82826584 12 15 09:52 clustersynchro-manager
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  45677904 12 15 09:52 controller-manager

The make build-components command will call make all from the clusterpedia repository and output the result to ./bin directory of the storage plugin project.

If the clusterpedia subrepository has not changed, then you only need to build the components once

Build the storage plugin

$ make build-plugin
CLUSTERPEDIA_REPO=/Users/icebergu/workspace/clusterpedia/sample-storage/clusterpedia \
                clusterpedia/hack/ plugins

$ ls -al ./plugins
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff  53354352 12 15 09:47

Building the storage plugin locally also requires using the script of the clusterpedia repository to build the plugin binary.

For running storage plugins, see Running storage plugins locally

storage plugin image

As mentioned above, storage plugins are shared with clusterpedia by image in a real deployment.

The Makefile provides make image-plugin to build images and make push-images to publish them.

Building images

To build a plugin image, we need to use the clusterpedia/builder image as the base image to build the plugin, and the builder image needs to be the same version as the clusterpedia component that uses the plugin

$ make image-plugin

clusterpedia maintains a builder image of the published version, and users can also use their own locally built builder image

Build the builder image locally

$ cd clusterpedia
$ make image-builder
docker buildx build \
                -t ""/builder-amd64:4608c8d13101d82960525dfe39f51e4f64ed49b3 \
                --platform=linux/amd64 \
                --load \
                -f builder.dockerfile . ; \

The tag format for storage plugin images is < stroage version >-<clusterpedia-version/commit>, for example:

The storage plugin image can be deployed in the <clusterpedia-version/commit> version of Clusterpedia

push images

make image-plugin builds the storage plugin image based on the manually set builder image

While pushing images with make push-images automatically builds images for all compatible versions and architectures

# Makefile
CLUSTERPEDIA_VERSIONS = v0.6.0-beta.1 v0.6.0
RELEASE_ARCHS ?= amd64 arm64

Once the image is built, the storage plugin image can be used via cluserpedia-core

Advanced Chart based on clusterpedia-core

After implementing our own storage plugin, we still need to provide an Advanced Chart based on clusterpedia-core Chart to make it easier to use.

Advanced Chart needs to provide the following capabilities:

  • Set the default storage plugin image
  • Set the storage layer name
  • Support dynamic setting of the runtime configuration of the storage layer
  • Provide configuration and installation of storage components

Create a new Chart using the sample-storage storage plugin – clusterpedia-sample-mysql, which will use mysql as the storage component.

# Chart.yaml
  - name: mysql
    version: 9.x.x
  - name: common
    version: 1.x.x
  - name: clusterpedia-core
    version: 0.1.x

We need to override the storage layer related settings in clusterpedia-core, which provides both values.yaml and dynamic templates to set up the storage plugin and storage layer information

We override the static settings of the storage layer in values.yaml, such as plugin image and storage layer name

# values.yaml
    name: "sample-storage-layer"
      registry: ""
      repository: "clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer"
      tag: "v0.0.0-v0.6.0"

The config.yaml and some environment variables of the custom storage layer generally need to refer to ConfigMap and Secret, and the names of these resources will change dynamically according to the Chart release name, so we need to use the dynamic templates way to set

clusterpedia-core provides three overriding naming templates

# clusterpedia-core/templates/_storage_override.yaml
{{- define "" -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "" -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "" -}}
{{- end -}}

Each of them can be set as follows:

  • apiserver and clustersynchro manager init containers before running
  • ConfigMap name to store the config.yaml configuration that the plugin needs to read
  • Environment variables to be used by the storage plugin

Let’s take clusterpedia-mysql as an example and see how it is set

# _storage_override.yaml
{{- define "" -}}
- name: ensure-database
  - /bin/sh
  - -ec
  - |
    if [ ${CREARE_DATABASE} = "ture" ]; then
      echo waiting for database check && sleep 1;
      echo 'DataBase OK ✓'
      until mysqladmin status -u${STORAGE_USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} --host=${STORAGE_HOST} --port=${STORAGE_PORT}; do sleep 1; done
  - name: DB_PASSWORD
        name: {{ include "" . }}
        key: password
  - configMapRef:
      name: {{ include "" . }}
{{- end -}}

clusterpedia-mysql defines the environment variables needed to init containers in the storage-initcontainer-env-configmap.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: {{ include "" . }}
  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
  labels: {{ include "common.labels.standard" . | nindent 4 }}
  STORAGE_HOST: {{ include "" . | quote }}
  STORAGE_PORT: {{ include "" . | quote }}
  STORAGE_USER: {{ include "" . | quote }}
  STORAGE_DATABASE: {{ include "" . | quote }}
  CREARE_DATABASE: {{ .Values.externalStorage.createDatabase | quote }}

The init container dynamically set by the naming template will be rendered to Deployment

# helm template clusterpedia -n clusterpedia-system --set persistenceMatchNode=None .
      - name: ensure-database
        - /bin/sh
        - -ec
        - |
          if [ ${CREARE_DATABASE} = "ture" ]; then
            echo waiting for database check && sleep 1;
            echo 'DataBase OK ✓'
            until mysqladmin status -u${STORAGE_USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} --host=${STORAGE_HOST} --port=${STORAGE_PORT}; do sleep 1; done
        - name: DB_PASSWORD
              name: clusterpedia-mysql-storage
              key: password
        - configMapRef:
            name: clusterpedia-mysql-storage-initcontainer-env

The ConfigMap and environment variables of the storage plugin runtime configuration config.yaml are also dynamically configured in clusterpedia-mysql

# _storage_override.yaml

{{- define "" -}}
{{- printf "%s-mysql-storage-config" .Release.Name -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "" -}}
      name: {{ include "" . }}
      key: password
{{- end -}}

The storage layer configuration is set to the APIServer and ClusterSynchro Manager Deployment through static override of values and dynamic setting of naming templates

Advanced Chart like clusterpedia-mysql allows you to mask the use of underlying storage plugins for users out of the box