1 - Installation

1.1 - kubectl apply


The installation of Clusterpedia is divided into several parts:

If you use existing storage component (MySQL or PostgreSQL), directly skip the step of installing the storage component.

Pull clusterpedia project:

git clone https://github.com/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia.git
cd clusterpedia
git checkout v0.7.0

Install storage component

Clusterpedia installation provides two storage components (MySQL 8.0 and PostgreSQL 12) to choose.

If you use existing storage components (MySQL or PostgreSQL), directly skip this step

Go to the installation directory of the selected storage component

cd ./deploy/internalstorage/postgres

Go to the installation directory of the selected storage component

cd ./deploy/internalstorage/mysql

The storage component uses the Local PV method to store data, and you shall specify the node where the Local PV is located during deployment

You can choose to provide your own PV

export STORAGE_NODE_NAME=<nodename>
sed "s|__NODE_NAME__|$STORAGE_NODE_NAME|g" `grep __NODE_NAME__ -rl ./templates` > clusterpedia_internalstorage_pv.yaml

Deploy storage component

kubectl apply -f .

# Go back to Clusterpedia root directory
cd ../../../

Install Clusterpedia

Once the storage component are successfully deployed, you can install the Clusterpedia.

If you uses existing storage component, refer to Configure Storage Layer to set the storage component into Default Storage Layer

Run the following cmd in the clusterpedia root directory

# Deploy Clusterpedia CRD and components
kubectl apply -f ./deploy

Final check

Check if the component Pods are running properly

kubectl -n clusterpedia-system get pods

Create Cluster Auto Import Policy —— ClusterImportPolicy

After 0.4.0, Clusterpedia provides a more friendly way to interface to multi-cloud platforms.

Users can create ClusterImportPolicy to automatically discover managed clusters in the multi-cloud platform and automatically synchronize them as PediaCluster, so you don’t need to maintain PediaCluster manually based on the managed clusters.

We maintain PediaCluster for each multi-cloud platform in the Clusterpedia repository. ClusterImportPolicy` for each multi-cloud platform. People also submit ClusterImportPolicy to Clusterpedia for interfacing to other multi-cloud platforms.

After installing Clusterpedia, you can create the appropriate ClusterImportPolicy, or create a new ClusterImportPolicy according to your needs (multi-cloud platform).

For details, please refer to Interfacing to Multi-Cloud Platforms

kubectl get clusterimportpolicy


Clean up ClusterImportPolicy

If you have deployed ClusterImportPolicy then you need to clean up the ClusterImportPolicy resources first.

kubectl get clusterimportpolicy

Clean up PediaCluster

Before uninstalling Clusterpedia, you need to check if PediaCluster resources still exist in your environment, and clean up those resources.

kubectl get pediacluster

Uninstall Clusterpedia

After the PediaCluster resource cleanup is complete, uninstall the Clusterpedia components.

kubectl delete -f ./deploy/clusterpedia_apiserver_apiservice.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./deploy/clusterpedia_apiserver_deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./deploy/clusterpedia_clustersynchro_manager_deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./deploy/clusterpedia_apiserver_rbac.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./deploy/cluster.clusterpedia.io_pediaclusers.yaml

Uninstall Storage Component

Remove related resources depending on the type of storage component selected.

kubectl delete -f ./deploy/internalstorage/<storage type>

remove Local PV and clean up data

After the storage component is uninstalled, the Local PV and corresponding data will still be left in the node and we need to clean it manually.

View the mounted nodes via Local PV resource details.

kubectl get pv clusterpedia-internalstorage-<storage type>

Once you know the node where the data is stored, you can delete the Local PV.

kubectl delete pv clusterpedia-internalstorage-<storage type>

Log in to the node where the data is located and clean up the data.

# In the node where the legacy data is located
rm -rf /var/local/clusterpedia/internalstorage/<storage type>

1.2 - Helm

1.3 - Configuration

1.3.1 - Configure Storage Layer

Default Storage Layer of Clusterpedia supports two storage components: MySQL and PostgreSQL.

When installing Clusterpedia, you can use existing storage component and create Default Storage Layer(ConfigMap) and Secret of storage component.

Configure the Default Storage Layer

You shall create clusterpedia-internalstorage ConfigMap in the clusterpedia-system namespace.

# internalstorage configmap example
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: clusterpedia-internalstorage
  namespace: clusterpedia-system
  internalstorage-config.yaml: |
    type: "mysql"
    host: "clusterpedia-internalstorage-mysql"
    port: 3306
    user: root
    database: "clusterpedia"
      maxIdleConns: 10
      maxOpenConns: 100
      connMaxLifetime: 1h
      slowThreshold: "100ms"
        filename: /var/log/clusterpedia/internalstorage.log
        maxbackups: 3    

Default Storage Layer config supports the following fields:

field description
type type of storage component such as “postgres” and “mysql”
host host for storage component such as IP address or Service Name
port port for storage component
user user for storage component
password password for storage component
database the database used by Clusterpedia

It is a good choice to store the access password to Secret. For details see Configure Secret of storage component

Connection Pool

field description default value
connPool.maxIdleConns the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool. 10
connPool.maxOpenConns the maximum number of open connections to the database. 100
connPool.connMaxLifetime the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused. 1h

Set up the database connection pool according to the user’s current environment.

Configure log

Clusterpedia supports to configure logs for storage layer, enabling the log to record slow SQL queries and errors via the log field.

field description
log.stdout Output log to standard device
log.colorful Enable color print or not
log.slowThreshold Set threshold for slow SQL queries such as “100ms”
log.level Set the severity level such as Slient, Error, Warn, Info
log.logger configure rolling logger

After enabling log, if log.stdout is not set to true, the log will be output to /var/log/clusterpedia/internalstorage.log

Rolling logger

Write storage lay logs to file, and configure log file rotation

field description
log.logger.filename the file to write logs to, backup log files will be retained in the same directory, default is /var/log/clusterpedia/internalstorage.log
log.logger.maxsize the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. default is 100 MB.
log.logger.maxage the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename.
log.logger.maxbackups the maximum number of old log files to retain.
log.logger.localtime whether it is local time, default is to use UTC time
log.logger.compress compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip.

Disable log

If the log field is not filled in the internalstorage config, log will be ignored, for example:

type: "mysql"
host: "clusterpedia-internalstorage-mysql"
port: 3306
user: root
database: "clusterpedia"

More configuration

The default storage layer also provides more configurations about MySQL and PostgreSQL. Refer to internalstorage/config.go.

Configure Secret

The yaml file that is used to install Clusterpedia may get the password from internalstorage-password Secret.

Configure the storage component password to Secret

kubectl -n clusterpedia-system create secret generic \
    internalstorage-password --from-literal=password=<password to access storage components>

2 - Concepts

2.1 - PediaCluster

Clusterpedia uses the PediaCluster resource to represent a cluster that needs to synchronize and retrieve resources.

Clusterpedia needs to be very friendly to other multi-cloud platforms that may use Cluster resource to represent managed clusters, to avoid conflicts Clusterpedia uses PediaCluster.

$ kubectl get pediacluster
NAME        APISERVER                        VERSION            STATUS
demo1        v1.22.3-aliyun.1   Healthy
demo2        v1.21.0            Healthy
apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: PediaCluster
  name: demo1
  syncResources: []
  syncAllCustomResources: false
  syncResourcesRefName: ""

PediaCluster has two uses:

  • Configure authentication information for the cluster
  • Configure resources for synchronization

Configuring cluster authentication information can be found in Import Clusters

There are three fields to configure the resources to be synchronized.

  • spec.syncResources configures the resources that need to be synchronized for this cluster
  • spec.syncAllCustomResources synchronizes all custom resources
  • spec.syncResourcesRefName references Public Configuration of Cluster Sync Resources

For details on configuring synchronization resources, see Synchronize Cluster Resources

2.2 - Public Configuration of Cluster Sync Resources(ClusterSyncResources)

The Clusterpedia provides the public configuration of cluster sync resources —— ClusterSyncResources

kubectl get clustersyncresources

The spec.syncResources field of ClusterSyncResources is configured in the same way as PediaCluster’s spec.syncResources, see Synchronize Cluster Resources

apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: ClusterSyncResources
  name: global-base
    - group: ""
        - pods
    - group: "apps"
        - "*"

The spec.syncAllCustomResource field will be supported in the future to support setting up the synchronization of all custom resources

Any PediaCluster can refer to the same ClusterSyncResources via spec.syncResourcesRefName field.

apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: PediaCluster
  name: demo1
  syncResourcesRefName: "global-base"

When we modify ClusterSyncResources, all resource types syncronized within the PediaCluster that reference it will be modified accordingly.

If PediaCluster has both spec.syncResourcesRefName and spec.syncResources set, then the concatenation of the two will be used.

apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: PediaCluster
  name: demo1
  syncResourcesRefName: "global-base"
    - group: ""
        - pods
        - configmaps

In the above example, clusterpedia synchronizes the pods and configmaps resources, and all resources under the apps group in the demo1 cluster.

2.3 - Collection Resource

In order to query multiple types of resources at once, Clusterpedia provides a new resource: Collection Resource.

Collection Resource is composed of different types of resources, and these resources can be retrieved and paged in a uniform way through the Collection Resource.

What Collection Resources are supported by the Clusterpedia depends on the Storage Layer. For example, the Default Storage Layer temporarily supports the any, workloads and kuberesources.

kubectl get collectionresources
# Output:
any             *
workloads       deployments.apps,daemonsets.apps,statefulsets.apps
kuberesources   .*,*.admission.k8s.io,*.admissionregistration.k8s.io,*.apiextensions.k8s.io,*.apps,*.authentication.k8s.io,*.authorization.k8s.io,*.autoscaling,*.batch,*.certificates.k8s.io,*.coordination.k8s.io,*.discovery.k8s.io,*.events.k8s.io,*.extensions,*.flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io,*.imagepolicy.k8s.io,*.internal.apiserver.k8s.io,*.networking.k8s.io,*.node.k8s.io,*.policy,*.rbac.authorization.k8s.io,*.scheduling.k8s.io,*.storage.k8s.io

any means any resources, the use need to pass the groups or resources he wants to combine when using it, for details see Use Any CollectionResource

kuberesources contains all of kube’s built-in resources, and we can use kuberesources to filter and search all of theme in a uniform api.

View the supported Collection Resource in a yaml file

kubectl get collectionresources -o yaml
# Output:
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: clusterpedia.io/v1beta1
  kind: CollectionResource
    creationTimestamp: null
    name: any
  resourceTypes: []
- apiVersion: clusterpedia.io/v1beta1
  kind: CollectionResource
    creationTimestamp: null
    name: workloads
  - group: apps
    resource: deployments
    version: v1
  - group: apps
    resource: daemonsets
    version: v1
  - group: apps
    resource: statefulsets
    version: v1
- apiVersion: clusterpedia.io/v1beta1
  kind: CollectionResource
    creationTimestamp: null
    name: kuberesources
  - group: ""
  - group: admission.k8s.io
  - group: admissionregistration.k8s.io
  - group: apiextensions.k8s.io
  - group: apps
  - group: authentication.k8s.io
  - group: authorization.k8s.io
  - group: autoscaling
  - group: batch
  - group: certificates.k8s.io
  - group: coordination.k8s.io
  - group: discovery.k8s.io
  - group: events.k8s.io
  - group: extensions
  - group: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io
  - group: imagepolicy.k8s.io
  - group: internal.apiserver.k8s.io
  - group: networking.k8s.io
  - group: node.k8s.io
  - group: policy
  - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  - group: scheduling.k8s.io
  - group: storage.k8s.io
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""
  selfLink: ""

It is found that workloads includes three resources: deployments, daemonsets, and statefulsets.

And kuberesources contains all of kube’s built-in resources.

For details about Collection Resource, see Search for Collection Resource

Custom Collection Resource

Clusterpedia plans to provide two ways to let users combine the types of resources they want to query at will.

  • Any CollectionResource —— use any collectionresource
  • CustomCollectionResource —— custom collection resource

After 0.4, Clusterpedia provides any collectionresource to allow users to combine defferent types of resources by passing groups and resources parameters.

However, it should be noted that any collectionresource cannot be retrieved using kubectl, see Using Any CollectionResource

$ kubectl get collectionresources any
Error from server (BadRequest): url query - `groups` or `resources` is required

Custom Collection Resource allows users to create or update a Collection Resource via kubectl apply collectionresource <collectionresource name>, and users can configure the resource type of the Collection Resource at will.

apiVersion: clusterpedia.io/v1beta1
kind: CollectionResource
  name: workloads
- group: apps
  resource: deployments
- group: apps
  resource: daemonsets
- group: apps
  resource: statefulsets
- group: batch
  resource: cronjobs

Custom Collection Resource are not currently supported

2.4 - Cluster Auto Import Policy

The custom resource ClusterImportPolicy defines how a certain type of resource should be converted into a PediaCluster, so that clusterpedia can automatically create, update and delete PediaCluster based on a certain resource.

First we need to define the type of resource (that you want to convert) to watch to in the ClusterImportPolicy resource , we will call the resource being watched to the Source resource.

When a Source resource is created or deleted, the ClusterImportPolicy Controller creates the corresponding PediaClusterLifecycle resource.

The custom resource PediaClusterLifecycle creates, updates and deletes PediaCluster based on the specific Source resource.

When creating and updating a PediaCluster, the Source resource may store the cluster’s authentication information (eg. CA, Token, etc.) in other resources, which are collectively referred to as Reference resources.

The reconciliation of ClusterImportPolicy and PediaClusterLifecycle is done by the ClusterImportPolicy Controller and PediaClusterLifecycle Controller within the Clusterpedia Controller Manager

ClusterImportPolicy and PediaClusterLifecycle resource structures may be updated more frequently, so to avoid unnecessary impact on the cluster.clusterpedia.io group, they are placed in the policy.clusterpedia.io group. It may be migrated to cluster.clusterpedia.io in the future 1.0 release.


An example of a complete ClusterImportPolicy resource is as follows:

apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImportPolicy
  name: mcp
    group: "cluster.example.io"
    resource: clusters
    selectorTemplate: ""
    - group: ""
      resource: secrets
      namespaceTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.authSecretRef.namespace }}"
      nameTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.authSecretRef.name }}"
      key: authSecret
  nameTemplate: "mcp-{{ .source.metadata.name }}"
  template: |
      apiserver: "{{ .source.spec.apiEndpoint }}"
      caData: "{{ .references.authSecret.data.ca }}"
      tokenData: "{{ .references.authSecret.data.token }}"
        - group: ""
          - "pods"
        - group: "apps"
          - "*"    
  creationCondition: |
    {{ if ne .source.spec.apiEndpoint "" }}
      {{ range .source.status.conditions }}
        {{ if eq .type "Ready" }}
          {{ if eq .status "True" }} true {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}    

There are these sections:

  • spec.source and spec.references define Source resource type and Reference resources
  • spec.nameTemplate defines the name of the generated PediaClusterLifecycle and PediaCluster, which can be rendered according to the Source resource.
  • spec.template and spec.creationCondition define the resource conversion policy.

Templates within references, template, and creationCondition all support the 70+ template functions provided by sprig, Sprig Function Documentation

Source and References Resource

The first thing we need to define in the ClusterImportPolicy resource is the Source resource type and the Reference resources.

apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImportPolicy
  name: multi-cluster-polatform
    group: "example.io"
    resource: clusters
    versions: []
    selectorTemplate: |
            {{ if eq .source.metadata.namespace "default" }} true {{ end }}
    - group: ""
      resource: secrets
      versions: []
      namespaceTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.secretRef.namespace }}"
      nameTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.secretRef.name }}"
      key: secret

The Source resource specifies the resource group and resource name via spec.source.group and spec.source.resource. We can also use spec.source.versions to restrict Source resource versions, by default there is no restriction on Source resource versions

A Source resource can only have one ClusterImportPolicy resource responsible for converting that resource

You can also filter the Source by the spec.source.selectorTemplate field.

apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImportPolicy
  name: kubevela
    group: ""
    resource: secrets
    selectorTemplate: |
      {{ if eq .source.metadata.namespace "vela-system" }}
        {{ if .source.metadata.labels }}
          {{ eq (index .source.metadata.labels "cluster.core.oam.dev/cluster-credential-type") "X509Certificate" }}
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}      

source resources can be used for other template fields via {{ .source.<field> }}

The resources involved in the conversion process are defined in spec.references and we need to specify the type of the resource and the specific reference resource via namespace and name templates. We can also restrict the version of the Reference resource in the same way as the Source resource.

In addition to this, we need to set a key for the reference resource, which will be used by subsequent template fields as {{ .references.<key> }}

*The later items in *spec.references can also refer to the earlier ones via .references.<key>

  - group: a.example.io
    resource: aresource
    namespaceTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.aNamespace }}"
    nameTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.aName }}"
    key: refA
  - group: b.example.io
    resource: bresource
    namespaceTemplate: "{{ .references.refA.spec.bNamespace }}"
    nameTemplate: "{{ .references.refA.spec.bName }}"
    key: refB


When a Source is created, the ClusterImportPolicy Controller creates the corresponding PediaClusterLifecycle resource based on the ClusterImportPolicy resource.

The name of the PediaClusterLifecycle resource is set via the spec.nameTemplate field of the ClusterImportPolicy.

apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImportPolicy
  name: multi-cluster-platform
  nameTemplate: "mcp-{{ .source.metadata.namespace }}-{{ .source.metadata.name }}"

The nameTemplate can only render templates based on Source resources, and the field is usually set based on whether it is a Cluster Scoped resource.

  • nameTemplate: "<prefix>-{{ .source.metadata.namespace}}-{{ .source.metadata.name }}"
  • nameTemplate: "<prefix>-{{ .source.metadata.name }}"

**nameTemplate is usually prefixed with a multi-cloud platform or other meaningful name, but can of course be set without a prefix. **

The PediaClusterLifecycle sets the specific source resource and references resource and the conversion policy

apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
kind: PediaClusterLifecycle
  name: <prefix>-example
    group: example.io
    version: v1beta1
    resource: clusters
    namespace: ""
    name: example
    - group: ""
      resource: secrets
      version: v1
      namespaceTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.secretRef.namespace }}"
      nameTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.secretRef.name }}"
      key: secret

The spec.source of the PediaClusterLifecycle sets a specific Source resource, including the specific version, namespace and name of the resource.

spec.references contains the specific resource version compared to ClusterImportPolicy, the other fields are the same as the References definition within ClusterImportPolicy.

The namespace and name of the references resource will be resolved when converting the resource.

PediaClusterLifecycle 和 PediaCluster

The name of PediaClusterLifecycle corresponds to PediaCluster, and PediaClusterLifecycle creates and updates PediaCluster with the same name according to the conversion policy.

PediaCluster Convertion Policy

We focus on the following aspects when defining the conversion policy:

  • the template used to create or update the PediaCluster
  • When to trigger the creation of a `PediaCluster

In ClusterImportPolicy, we use spec.template and spec.creationCondition to define them

apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImportPolicy
  name: mcp
... other fields
  template: |
      apiserver: "{{ .source.spec.apiEndpoint }}"
      caData: "{{ .references.authSecret.data.ca }}"
      tokenData: "{{ .references.tokenData.data.token }}"
        - group: ""
          - "pods"
        - group: "apps"
          - "*"    
  creationCondition: |
    {{ if ne .source.spec.apiEndpoint "" }}
      {{ range .source.status.conditions }}
        {{ if eq .type "Ready" }}
          {{ if eq .status "True" }} true {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}    

Both of these fields are template fields that need to be rendered based on Source resource and References resources.

When the Source resource is created, the ClusterImportPolicy Controller will create the corresponding PediaClusterLifecycle based on the ClusterImportPolicy, and the PediaClusterLifecycle will will also contain the conversion policy.

Of course, if the policy in ClusterImportPolicy is modified, it will be synchronized to all PediaClusterLifecycle resources it belongs to.

apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImportPolicy
  name: mcp-example
... other fields
  template: |
      apiserver: "{{ .source.spec.apiEndpoint }}"
      caData: "{{ .references.authSecret.data.ca }}"
      tokenData: "{{ .references.tokenData.data.token }}"
        - group: ""
          - "pods"
        - group: "apps"
          - "*"    
  creationCondition: |
    {{ if ne .source.spec.apiEndpoint "" }}
      {{ range .source.status.conditions }}
        {{ if eq .type "Ready" }}
          {{ if eq .status "True" }} true {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}    

PediaClusterLifecycleis responsible for creating and updating specificPediaClustersbased onspec.creationConditionandspec.template`.

Creation Condition

Sometimes we don’t create a PediaCluster immediately after a Source resource is created, but rather we need to wait until some fields or some state of the Source resource is ready before creating the PediaCluster.

spec.creationCondition uses the template syntax to determine if the creation condition is met, and when the template is rendered with a value of True (case insensitive) then PediaCluster is created according to `spec.

If the PediaCluster already exists, spec.creationCondition will not affect updates to the PediaCluster.

PediaCluster Template

spec.template defines a PediaCluster resource template that renders specific resources based on Source resource and References resources when creating or updating a PediaCluster.

The PediaCluster template can be separated into three parts.

  • Metadata: labels and annotations
  • Cluster endpoint and authentication fields: spec.apiserver, spec.caData, spec.tokenData, spec.certData, spec.keyData and spec.kubeconfig
  • Resource sync fields: spec.syncResources, spec.syncAllCustomResources, spec.syncResourcesRefName

The metadata and resource sync fields of the PediaCluster resource are only available when the PediaCluser is created, and only the cluster endpoint and authentication fields are updated when the PediaCluster resource is updated

PediaCluster Deletion Condition

If a PediaCluster is created by PediaClusterLifecycle, then PediaClusterLifecycle will be set to the owner of that PediaCluster resource.

apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: PediaCluster
  name: mcp-example
  - apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
    kind: PediaClusterLifecycle
    name: mcp-example
    uid: f932483a-b1c5-4894-a524-00f78ea34a9f

When a Source resource is deleted, the PediaClusterLifecycle is deleted at the same time and the PediaCluster is deleted automatically.

If PediaCluster already existed before PediaClusterLifecycle, then Source will not automatically delete PediaCluster when it is deleted.

DeletionCondition will be added in the future to allow users to force or preempt the deletion of PediaCluster.

3 - Usage

3.1 - Import Clusters

Clusterpedia uses the custom resource - PediaCluster to represent the imported cluster.

apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-example
  apiserver: ""
  syncResources: []

There are two ways for users to configure the imported clusters:

  1. Configure base64-encoded kube config directly to the spec.kubeconfig field for cluster connectivity and authentication.
  2. Configure the address for the imported cluster and the authentication information.

When using the apiserver field to set address for the imported cluster, there are several options for configure the authentication fields:

  • caData + tokenData
  • caData + certData + keyData

caData can be left blank if the cluster APIServer allows Insecure connections

All these authentication fields need to be encoded by base64. If the field values are obtained directly from ConfigMap or Secret, they have already been encoded by base64.

Use the Kube Config to import a cluster

One of the easiest ways to connect and authenticate to a cluster is to use the kube config.

First you need to base64 encode the kube config for the imported cluster.

# mac
cat ./kubeconfig | base64

# linux
cat ./kubeconfig | base64 -w 0
# Output:

If the output contains newlines, then you can use base64 -w 0 ./kubeconfig

Set the content after the base64 to PediaCluster spec.kubeconfig, in addition spec.apiserver and other authentication fields don’t need to set.

However, since the cluster address is configured in kube config, the APIServer URL is empty when you use kubectl get pediacluster.

kubectl get pediacluster
# Output:
cluster-1                          v1.22.2    Healthy

Mutating addmission webhooks will be added in the future to automatically set spec.apiserver, currently if you want to show the cluster apiserver address when kubectl get pediacluster, then you need to manually configure the spec.apiserver field additionally.

Use ServiceAccount to import a cluster

You can also choose to create a ServiceAccount in the Imported Cluster and configure the proper RBAC to import the cluster.

# Connect the current kubectl to the imported cluster
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/main/examples/clusterpedia_synchro_rbac.yaml

# Get CA and Token for Service Account
SYNCHRO_CA=$(kubectl -n default get secret $(kubectl -n default get serviceaccount clusterpedia-synchro -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') -o jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}')
SYNCHRO_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n default get secret $(kubectl -n default get serviceaccount clusterpedia-synchro -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') -o jsonpath='{.data.token}')

Fill $SYNCHRO_CA and SYNCHRO_TOKEN into spec.caData and spec.tokenData fields for the PediaCluster resource.

Create PediaCluster

After completing the cluster authentication fields, you can get a complete PediaCluster resource and can directly use kubectl apply -f to create it.


apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-example
  syncResources: []

View Cluster

After a cluster is successfully imported, you can use kubectl get pediacluster to view the imported clusters and check its status

kubectl get pediacluster
# Output:
NAME           APISERVER URL               VERSION    STATUS
cluster-1    v1.22.2    Healthy
cluster-2   v1.10.11   Healthy


See Synchronize Cluster Resources

3.2 - Interfacing to Multi-Cloud Platforms

After 0.4.0, Clusterpedia provides a more friendly way to interface to multi-cloud platforms.

Users can create ClusterImportPolicy to automatically discover managed clusters in the multi-cloud platform and automatically synchronize them as PediaCluster, so you don’t need to maintain PediaCluster manually based on the managed clusters.

We maintain PediaCluster for each multi-cloud platform in the Clusterpedia repository. ClusterImportPolicy` for each multi-cloud platform. People also submit ClusterImportPolicy to Clusterpedia for interfacing to other multi-cloud platforms.

After installing Clusterpedia, you can create the appropriate ClusterImportPolicy, or you can create a new ClusterImportPolicy according to your needs (multi-cloud platform).

ClusterAPI ClusterImportPolicy

Users can refer to Cluster API Quick Start to install the Cluster API,or refer to Quickly deploy Cluster API + Clusterpedia to deploy a sample environment.

Create ClusterImportPolicy for interfacing to the ClusterAPI platform.

$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/main/deploy/clusterimportpolicy/cluster_api.yaml
$ kubectl get clusterimportpolicy
NAME          AGE
cluster-api   4d19h

If the clusters created by the ClusterAPI already exists in the management cluster, then you can view the Cluster and PediaCluster resources.

$ kubectl get cluster
NAME                PHASE         AGE     VERSION
capi-quickstart     Provisioned   3d23h   v1.24.2
capi-quickstart-2   Provisioned   3d23h   v1.24.2

$ kubectl get pediaclusterlifecycle
NAME                        AGE
default-capi-quickstart     3d23h
default-capi-quickstart-2   3d23h

$ kubectl get pediacluster
NAME                        READY   VERSION   APISERVER
default-capi-quickstart     True    v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart-2   True    v1.24.2

PediaCluster is automatically created based on the Cluster, and the kubeconfig of PediaCluster is automatically updated when the kubeconfig of the Cluster changes.

When creating a new Cluster, Clusterpedia automatically creates a PediaCluster when ControlPlaneInitialized is True according to the Cluster API ClusterImportPolicy, and you can check the initialization status of the cluster by using kubectl get kubeadmcontrolplane

capi-quickstart-2xcsz   capi-quickstart   true                                 1                  1         1             86s   v1.24.2

Once the Cluster has been initialized, you can use kubectl to retrieve multiple cluster resources directly.

Beforing using kubectl, you need to generate cluster shortcut configuration for multi-cluster resource retrieval.

$ # Since CNI is not installed, the nodes are not ready.
$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get no
CLUSTER                     NAME                                            STATUS     ROLES           AGE   VERSION
default-capi-quickstart-2   capi-quickstart-2-ctm9k-g2m87                   NotReady   control-plane   12m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart-2   capi-quickstart-2-md-0-s8hbx-7bd44554b5-kzcb6   NotReady   <none>          11m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart     capi-quickstart-2xcsz-fxrrk                     NotReady   control-plane   21m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart     capi-quickstart-md-0-9tw2g-b8b4f46cf-gggvq      NotReady   <none>          20m   v1.24.2

Karmada ClusterImportPolicy

For Karmada platform, you need to first deploy Clusterpedia in Karmada APIServer, the deployment steps can be found at https://github.com/Iceber/deploy-clusterpedia-to-karmada

Create ClusterImportPolicy for interfacing to the Karmada platform.

$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/main/deploy/clusterimportpolicy/karmada.yaml
$ kubectl get clusterimportpolicy
karmada   7d5h

View Karmada Cluster and PediaClusterLifecycle resources.

$ kubectl get cluster
argocd              Push   False   8d
member1   v1.23.4   Push   True    22d
member3   v1.23.4   Pull   True    22d
$ kubectl get pediaclusterlifecycle
NAME              AGE
karmada-argocd    7d5h
karmada-member1   7d5h
karmada-member3   7d5h

Clusterpedia creates a corresponding PediaClusterLifecycle for each Karmada Cluster, and you can use kubectl describe pediaclusterlifecycle <name> to see the status of the transition between Karmada Cluster and PediaCluster resources.

The status will be detailed in kubectl get pediaclusterlifecycle in the future

View the successfully created PediaCluster

NAME              APISERVER                 VERSION   STATUS
karmada-member1   v1.23.4   Healthy

The karmada clusterimportpolicy requires the karmada cluster to be in Push mode and in Ready state, so the karmada-member-1 pediacluster resource is created for the member-1 cluster.

VCluster ClusterImportPolicy

Create the ClusterImportPolicy for auto-discovery of VCluster.

$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/main/deploy/clusterimportpolicy/vcluster.yaml
$ kubectl get clusterimportpolicy
vclsuter  5h

Note that the VCluster cluster needs to be created in such a way that the Server address of the generated kubeconfig can be accessed by other Pods in the host cluster.

This can be set to a VCluster Service domain name, a Node IP or an Ingress address.

  - --out-kube-config-server=https://<vcluster name>.<namespace>.svc
  - --tls-san=<vcluster name>.<namespace>.svc,

Create two VClusters in the default namespace

create the virtual cluster vcluster-1

# vcluster-1.yaml
  - --out-kube-config-server=https://vcluster-1.default.svc
  - --tls-san=vcluster-1.default.svc,
$ vcluster create -n default -f vcluster-1.yaml vcluster-1

create the virtual cluster vcluster-2

# vcluster-2.yaml
  - --out-kube-config-server=https://vcluster-2.default.svc
  - --tls-san=vcluster-2.default.svc,
$ vcluster create -n default -f vcluster-2.yaml vcluster-2

List all VCluster clusters

$ vcluster list
 NAME              NAMESPACE         STATUS    CONNECTED   CREATED                         AGE
 caiwei-vcluster   caiwei-vcluster   Running               2022-08-26 16:10:52 +0800 CST   484h49m6s
 vcluster-1        default           Running               2022-09-15 20:57:59 +0800 CST   1m59s
 vcluster-2        default           Running               2022-09-15 20:59:34 +0800 CST   24s

We can use kubectl + Clusterpedia directly to retrieve the resources in any VCluster.

Beforing using kubectl, you need to generate cluster shortcut configuration for multi-cluster resource retrieval.

 $ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get po -A
NAMESPACE     CLUSTER                              NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default       vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   backend-77f8f45fc8-5ssww   1/1     Running   0          20d
default       vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   backend-77f8f45fc8-j5m4c   1/1     Running   0          20d
default       vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   backend-77f8f45fc8-vjzf6   1/1     Running   0          20d
kube-system   vc-default-vcluster-1                coredns-669fb9997d-cxktv   1/1     Running   0          3m40s
kube-system   vc-default-vcluster-2                coredns-669fb9997d-g7w8l   1/1     Running   0          2m6s
kube-system   vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   coredns-669fb9997d-x6vc2   1/1     Running   0          20d

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get ns
CLUSTER                              NAME              STATUS   AGE
vc-default-vcluster-2                default           Active   2m49s
vc-default-vcluster-1                default           Active   4m24s
vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   default           Active   20d
vc-default-vcluster-2                kube-node-lease   Active   2m49s
vc-default-vcluster-1                kube-node-lease   Active   4m24s
vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   kube-node-lease   Active   20d
vc-default-vcluster-2                kube-public       Active   2m49s
vc-default-vcluster-1                kube-public       Active   4m24s
vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   kube-public       Active   20d
vc-default-vcluster-2                kube-system       Active   2m49s
vc-default-vcluster-1                kube-system       Active   4m24s
vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   kube-system       Active   20d

Clusterpedia will automatically discover the virtual clusters(VClusters) within the host cluster and create the corresponding PediaCluster according to the VCluster ClusterImportPolicy, and users can access Clusterpedia directly to retrieve resources

$ kubectl get pediaclusterlifecycle
NAME                                 AGE
vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   20d
vc-default-vcluster-1                5m57s
vc-default-vcluster-2                4m24s

$ kubectl get pediacluster
NAME                                 READY   VERSION        APISERVER
vc-caiwei-vcluster-caiwei-vcluster   True    v1.23.5+k3s1   https://caiwei-vcluster.caiwei-vcluster.svc
vc-default-vcluster-1                True    v1.23.5+k3s1   https://vcluster-1.default.svc
vc-default-vcluster-2                True    v1.23.5+k3s1   https://vcluster-2.default.svc

New ClusterImportPolicy

If the Clusterpedia repository does not maintain a ClusterImportPolicy for a platform, then we can create a new ClusterImportPolicy

A detailed description of the ClusterImportPolicy principles and fields can be found in the Cluster Auto Import Policy

Now assume that there is a multi-cloud platform MCP that uses a custom resource – Cluster to represent the managed clusters and stores the cluster authentication information in a Secret with the same name as the cluster

apiVersion: cluster.mcp.io
kind: Cluster
  name: cluster-1
  apiEndpoint: ""
    namespace: "default"
    name: "cluster-1"
    - type: Ready
      status: True
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: cluster-1
  ca: **cluster ca bundle**
  token: **cluster token**

We define a ClusterImportPolicy resource for the MCP platform and synchronize the pods resource and all resources under the apps group by default.

apiVersion: policy.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterImportPolicy
  name: mcp
    group: "cluster.mcp.io"
    resource: clusters
    versions: []
    - group: ""
      resource: secrets
      versions: []
      namespaceTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.authSecretRef.namespace }}"
      nameTemplate: "{{ .source.spec.authSecretRef.name }}"
      key: authSecret
  nameTemplate: "mcp-{{ .source.metadata.name }}"
  template: |
      apiserver: "{{ .source.spec.apiEndpoint }}"
      caData: "{{ .references.authSecret.data.ca }}"
      tokenData: "{{ .references.authSecret.data.token }}"
        - group: ""
          - "pods"
        - group: "apps"
          - "*"
      syncResourcesRefName: ""    
  creationCondition: |
    {{ if ne .source.spec.apiEndpoint "" }}
      {{ range .source.status.conditions }}
        {{ if eq .type "Ready" }}
          {{ if eq .status "True" }} true {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}    
  • spec.source defines the resource Cluster that needs to be watched to
  • spec.preferences defines the resources involved in converting an MCP Cluster to a PediaCluster, currently only secrets resources are used
  • spec.nameTemplate will render the name of the PediaCluster resource based on the MCP Cluster resource
  • spec.template renders the PediaCluster resource from the resources defined in MCP Cluster and spec.references, see PediaCluster Template for rules
  • spec.creationCondition determines when a PediaCluster can be created based on the resources defined by the MCP Cluster and spec.references, here it defines when the MCP Cluster is Ready before creating the PediaCluster. See Creation Condition for details

3.3 - Synchronize Cluster Resources

The main function of Clusterpedia is to provide complex search for resources in multiple clusters.

Clusterpedia uses the PediaCluster resource to specify which resources in the cluster need to support complex search, and synchronizes these resources onto the Storage Component via Storage Layer in real time.

# example
apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-example
  apiserver: ""
  - group: apps
     - deployments
  - group: ""
     - pods
     - configmaps
  - group: cert-manager.io
      - v1
      - certificates

Synchronize built-in resources

In order to manage and view these synchronized resources through PediaCluster, you need to configure resources in groups

 - group: apps
   versions: []
     - deployments
     - daemonsets

For built-in resources, versions is not required.

Clusterpedia will automatically select the appropriate version to synchronize based on the resource version supported in the cluster.

Also, you do not need to worry about version conversion because Clusterpedia will open all version interfaces for built-in resources.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps" | jq
  "kind": "APIGroup",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "name": "apps",
  "versions": [
      "groupVersion": "apps/v1",
      "version": "v1"
      "groupVersion": "apps/v1beta2",
      "version": "v1beta2"
      "groupVersion": "apps/v1beta1",
      "version": "v1beta1"
  "preferredVersion": {
    "groupVersion": "apps/v1",
    "version": "v1"

Clusterpedia supports three versions of Deployment: v1, v1beta2, and v1beta1.

Synchronize custom resources

Compared with built-in resources, custom resources have slightly different configuration on resource versions.

 - group: cert-manager.io
   versions: []
    - certificates

You can also ignore the versions field and then Clusterpedia will synchronize the previous three cluster versions in the Group.

Take cert-manager.io as an example to get the Group supported by cert-manager.io in an imported cluster

# Run the command in an imported cluster
kubectl get --raw="/apis/cert-manager.io" | jq
  "kind": "APIGroup",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "name": "cert-manager.io",
  "versions": [
      "groupVersion": "cert-manager.io/v1",
      "version": "v1"
      "groupVersion": "cert-manager.io/v1beta1",
      "version": "v1beta1"
      "groupVersion": "cert-manager.io/v1alpha3",
      "version": "v1alpha3"
      "groupVersion": "cert-manager.io/v1alpha2",
      "version": "v1alpha2"
  "preferredVersion": {
    "groupVersion": "cert-manager.io/v1",
    "version": "v1"

The imported cluster supports four versions for cert-manager.io: v1, v1beta1, v1alpha3, v1alpha2.

When syncResources.[group].versions is left blank, Clusterpedia will synchronize three versions v1, v1beta1, v1alpah3 in the order of the APIGroup.versions list except for v1alpha2.

Specify a sync version for custom resources

If you specified versions, the specific resource would be synchronized by versions.

 - group: cert-manager.io
    - v1beta1
    - certificates

The above snippet only synchronizes v1beta1.

Usage notes

The custom resource synchronization does not support version conversion currently. The versions are fixed after synchronization.

If cluster-1 only synchronizes v1beta1 resources when you are searching for multi-cluster resources, the request to search for version v1 will ignore the version v1beta1.

You are required to learn and handle the different versions in multiple clusters for custom resources.

Sync all custom resources

The custom resource types and versions change with the CRD, so when a CRD is created and we don’t want to modify spec.syncResources to sync resources as the same time, we can set spec.syncAllCustomResources to sync all custom resources.

  syncAllCustomResources: true

However, it should be noted that to use this feature, you need to enabled the corresponding Feature Gate in clustersynchro-manager, which can be found in Sync All Custom Resource

Using wildcards to sync resources

Group Wildcard

  - group: "apps"
    - "*"

Use Group Wildcard to sync all types of resources under the specified group.

In the above example, all resources under apps will be synced.

All-resources Wildcard

  - group: "*"
    - "*"

The All-resources Wildcard allows we to sync built-in resources, custom resources and aggregated API resources in the imported cluster.

This feature creates a large number of long connections, so use it with caution and enable the corresponding Feature Gate in the clustersynchro-manager, as described in Sync All Resources

Reference ClusterSyncResources

ClusterSyncResources is used to define cluster resource synchronization configurations that are commonly referenced by multiple PediaClusters, see Public Configuration of Cluster Sync Resources for more information about ClusterSyncResources

PediaCluster sets the referenced ClusterSyncResources by spec.syncResourceRefName.

apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: ClusterSyncResources
  name: global-base
    - group: ""
        - pods
    - group: "apps"
        - "*"
apiVersion: cluster.clusterpedia.io/v1alpha2
kind: PediaCluster
  name: demo1
  syncResourcesRefName: "global-base"
    - group: ""
        - pods
        - configmaps

If PediaCluster has both spec.syncResourcesRefName and spec.syncResources set, then the concatenation of the two will be used.

In the above example, clusterpedia synchronizes the pods and configmaps resources, and all resources under the apps group in the demo1 cluster.

View synchronized resources

You can view resources, sync versions, and storage versions by using Status of the PediaCluster resource.

For Status, a resource may have Sync Version and Storage Version:

  • Sync Version refers to the resource version from a synchronized cluster by Clusterpedia
  • Storage Version refers to the version stored at the storage layer by Clusterpedia
  - group: apps
    - name: deployments
      kind: Deployment
      namespaced: true
      - lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-13T04:34:08Z"
        status: Syncing
        storageVersion: v1
        version: v1

In general, Sync Version is same as Storage Version for a cluster resource.

However, if an imported cluster only provides the Deployment resource of the v1beta1 version, the Sync Version is v1beta1 and the Storage Version is v1.

For example, when synchronizing a Deployment of Kubernetes 1.10, the synchronization status is as follows:

  - group: apps
    - name: deployments
      kind: Deployment
      namespaced: true
      - lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-13T04:34:04Z"
        status: Syncing
        storageVersion: v1
        version: v1beta1

For a custom resource, Synchronized Version is same as Storage Version


After resource synchronization, you can Access the Clusterpedia to Search for Resources

3.4 - Access the Clusterpedia

Clusterpedia has two main components:

  • ClusterSynchroManager manages the PediaCluster resource in the master cluster, connects to the specified cluster through the PediaCluster authentication information, and synchronizes the corresponding resources in real time.
  • APIServer also listens to the PediaCluster resource in the master cluster and provides complex search for resources in a compatible Kubernetes OpenAPI manner based on the resources synchronized by the cluster.
  • Controller Manager

Also, the Clusterpedia APIServer will be registered to the master cluster APIServer in the way of Aggregation API, so that we can access Clusterpedia through the same entry as the master cluster.

Resources and Collection Resource

Clusterpedia APIServer will provide two different resources to search under Group - clusterpedia.io:

kubectl api-resources | grep clusterpedia.io
# Output:
NAME                 SHORTNAMES    APIVERSION                 NAMESPACED   KIND
collectionresources                clusterpedia.io/v1beta1    false        CollectionResource
resources                          clusterpedia.io/v1beta1    false        Resources
  • Resources is used to specify a resource type to search for, compatible with Kubernetes OpenAPI
  • CollectionResource is used to search for new resource aggregated by different types to find multiple resource types at one time

For concepts and usage about Collection Resource, refer to What is Collection Resource and Search for Collection Resource.

Access the Clusterpedia resources

When searching for a resource of a specific type, you can request it according to the Get/List specification of Kubernetes OpenAPI. In this way we can not only use the URL to access Clusterpedia resources, but also directly use kubectl or client-go to search for the resources.

Clusterpedia uses URL Path to distinguish whether the request is a multi-cluster resource or a specific cluster:

Multi-cluster resource path, directly prefix the Resources path:


kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/version"

Specific cluster resource path, specify a cluster by setting the resource name based on the Resources path /apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/clusters/

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/clusters/cluster-1/version"

Regardless of a resource path of multiple clusters or a specific cluster, the path can be spliced and followed by Kubernetes Get/List Path

Configure the cluster shortcut for kubectl

Although we can use URLs to access Clusterpedia resources, if we want to use kubectl to query more conveniently, we need to configure the kubeconfig cluster.

Clusterpedia provides a simple script to generate cluster config in the kubeconfig.

curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/v0.7.0/hack/gen-clusterconfigs.sh | sh -
# Output:
Current Context: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
Current Cluster: kubernetes
        TLS Server Name:
        Insecure Skip TLS Verify:
        Certificate Authority:
        Certificate Authority Data: ***

Cluster "clusterpedia" set.
Cluster "cluster-1" set.
Cluster "cluster-2" set.

Check the script from hack/gen-clusterconfigs.sh

The script prints the current cluster information and configures the PediaCluster into kubeconfig.

cat ~/.kube/config
# .kube/config
- cluster:
  name: cluster-1
- cluster:
  name: cluster-2
- cluster:
  name: clusterpedia
- cluster:
  name: kubernetes

The script generates clusterpedia clusters for multi-cluster access and other cluster configs in the name of PediaCluster, and reuses the master cluster’s entry and authentication information when accessing Clusterpedia.

Compared with the master cluster entry, it only adds Clusterpedia Resources path.

After multi-cluster kubeconfig is generated, you can use kubectl --cluster to specify the cluster access

# Supported resources for multi-cluster search
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia api-resources

# Supported resources for cluster-1 search
kubectl --cluster cluster-1 api-resources

We can get the global and specific resource information according to the URL path.

Global resource information is the union of resource types that are synchronized across all clusters

Discovery API opened by Clusterpedia is similary compatible with Kubernetes OpenAPI. You can use kubectl, client-go/discovery, client-go/restmapper or controller-runtime/dynamic-restmapper to access it.

Use URL to get APIGroupList and APIGroup information

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis" | jq
  "kind": "APIGroupList",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "groups": [
      "name": "apps",
      "versions": [
          "groupVersion": "apps/v1",
          "version": "v1"
          "groupVersion": "apps/v1beta2",
          "version": "v1beta2"
          "groupVersion": "apps/v1beta1",
          "version": "v1beta1"
      "preferredVersion": {
        "groupVersion": "apps/v1",
        "version": "v1"
      "name": "cert-manager.io",
      "versions": [
          "groupVersion": "cert-manager.io/v1",
          "version": "v1"
      "preferredVersion": {
        "groupVersion": "cert-manager.io/v1",
        "version": "v1"
kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps" | jq
  "kind": "APIGroup",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "name": "apps",
  "versions": [
      "groupVersion": "apps/v1",
      "version": "v1"
      "groupVersion": "apps/v1beta2",
      "version": "v1beta2"
      "groupVersion": "apps/v1beta1",
      "version": "v1beta1"
  "preferredVersion": {
    "groupVersion": "apps/v1",
    "version": "v1"

Use kubectl to get api-resources

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia api-resources
# Output:
configmaps    cm           v1                   true         ConfigMap
namespaces    ns           v1                   false        Namespace
nodes         no           v1                   false        Node
pods          po           v1                   true         Pod
secrets                    v1                   true         Secret
daemonsets    ds           apps/v1              true         DaemonSet
deployments   deploy       apps/v1              true         Deployment
replicasets   rs           apps/v1              true         ReplicaSet
issuers                    cert-manager.io/v1   true         Issuer

3.5 - Search

Clusterpedia supports complex search for multi-cluster resources, specified cluster resoruces, and Collection Resources.

And these complex search conditions can be passed to Clusterpedia APIServer in two ways:

  • URL Query: directly pass query conditions as Query
  • Search Labels: to keep compatible with Kubernetes OpenAPI, the search conditions can be set via Label Selector

Both Search Labels and URL Query support same operators as Label Selector:

  • exist, not exist
  • =, ==, !=
  • in, notin

In addition to conditional retrieval, Clusterpedia also enhances Field Selector to meet the filtering requirements by fields such as metadata.annotation or status.*.

Search by metadata

Supported Operators: ==, =, in.

Role search label key url query
Filter cluster names search.clusterpedia.io/clusters clusters
Filter namespaces search.clusterpedia.io/namespaces namespaces
Filter resource names search.clusterpedia.io/names names

Current, we don’t support operators such as !=, notin operators, if you have these needs or scenarios, you can discuss them in the issue.

Supported Operators: ==, =, in.

This feature is expermental and only search label are available for now

Role search label key url query
Fuzzy Search for resource name internalstorage.clusterpedia.io/fuzzy-name -

Search by creation time interval

Supported Operators: ==, =.

The search is based on the creation time interval of the resource, using a left-closed, right-open internval.

Role search label key url query
Search search.clusterpedia.io/since since
Before search.clusterpedia.io/before before

There are four formats for creation time:

  1. Unix Timestamp for ease of use will distinguish between units of s or ms based on the length of the timestamp. The 10-bit timestamp is in seconds, the 13-bit timestamp is in milliseconds.
  2. RFC3339 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z or 2006-01-02T15:04:05+08:00
  3. UTC Date 2006-01-02
  4. UTC Datetime 2006-01-02 15:04:05

Because of the limitation of the kube label selector, the search label only supports Unix Timestamp and UTC Date.

All formats are available using the url query method.

Search by Owner

Supported Operators: ==, =.

Role search label key url query
Specified Owner UID search.clusterpedia.io/owner-uid ownerUID
Specified Owner Name search.clusterpedia.io/owner-name ownerName
SPecified Owner Group Resource search.clusterpedia.io/owner-gr ownerGR
Specified Owner Seniority internalstorage.clusterpedia.io/owner-seniority ownerSeniority

Note that when specifying Owner UID, Owner Name and Owner Group Resource will be ignored.

The format of the Owner Group Resource is resource.group, for example deployments.apps or nodes.


Supported Operators: =, ==, in.

Role search label key url query
Order by fields search.clusterpedia.io/orderby orderby


Supported Operators: =, ==.

Role search label key url query
Set page size search.clusterpedia.io/size limit
Set page offset search.clusterpedia.io/offset continue
Response required with Continue search.clusterpedia.io/with-continue withContinue
Response required with remaining count search.clusterpedia.io/with-remaining-count withRemainingCount

When you perform operations with kubectl, the page size can only be set via kubectl --chunk-size, because kubectl will set the default limit to 500.

Label Selector

Regardless of kubectl or URL, all Label Selectors that do not contain clusterpedia.io in the Key will be used as Label Selectors to filter resources.

All behaviors are consistent with those provided by Kubernetes.

Role kubectl url query
Filter by labels kubectl -l or kubectl --label-selector labelSelector

Field Selector

Field Selector is consistent with Label Selector in terms of operators, and Clusterpedia also supports:

exist, not exist, ==, =, !=, in, notin.

All command parameters for URL and kubectl are same as those for Field Selector.

Role kubectl url query
Filter by fields kubectl --field-selector fieldSelector

For details refer to:

Custom search is a feature provided by the default storage layer to meet more flexible and variable search needs of users.

Feature search label key url query
custom SQL used for filter - whereSQL

Custom search is not supported by search label, only url query can be used to pass custom search SQL.

In addition, this feature is still in alpha stage, you need to open the corresponding Feature Gate in clusterpedia apiserver, for details, please refer to Raw SQL Query

CollectionResource URL Query

The following URL Query belongs exclusively to Collection Resource.

Role url query example
get only the metadata of the resource onlyMetadata onlyMetadata=true
specify the groups of any collectionresource groups groups=apps,cert-manager.io/v1
specify the resources of any collectionresource resources resources=apps/deployments,batch/v1/cronjobs

3.5.1 - Multiple Clusters

Multi-cluster resource search allows us to filter resources in multiple clusters at once based on query criteria, and provides the ability to paginate and sort these resources.

When using kubectl, we can see what resources are currently available for search

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia api-resources
# Output:
configmaps    cm           v1                   true         ConfigMap
namespaces    ns           v1                   false        Namespace
nodes         no           v1                   false        Node
pods          po           v1                   true         Pod
secrets                    v1                   true         Secret
daemonsets    ds           apps/v1              true         DaemonSet
deployments   deploy       apps/v1              true         Deployment
replicasets   rs           apps/v1              true         ReplicaSet
issuers                    cert-manager.io/v1   true         Issuer

Clusterpedia provides multi-cluster resource search based on all cluster-synchronized resources, and we can view Sync Cluster Resources to update the resources that need to be synchronized.

Basic Features

Specify Clusters

When searching multiple clusters, all clusters will be retrieved by default, we can also specify a single cluster or a group of clusters

Use Search Label search.clusterpedia.io/clusters to specify a group of clusters.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -l "search.clusterpedia.io/clusters in (cluster-1,cluster-2)"
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d

For specifying a single cluster search, we can also use Search Label to set it up, or see Search in Specified Cluster to specify a cluster using URL Path.

# specifying a single cluster
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -l "search.clusterpedia.io/clusters=cluster-1"

# specifying a cluster can also be done with --cluster <cluster name>
kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deployments

When using URL, use clusters as URL Query to pass.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?clusters=cluster-1"

If we specify a single cluster, we can also put the cluster name in the URL Path.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/clusters/cluster-1/apis/apps/v1/deployments"

Lean More Specify Cluster Search

Specify Namespaces

We can specify a single namespace or all namespaces as if we were viewing a native Kubernetes resource.

Use -n <namespace> to specify the namespace, the default is in the default namespace

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -n kube-system
# Output:
CLUSTER     NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d

Use -A or --all-namespaces to see the resources under all namespaces for all clusters

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-scheduler      0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-web            0/1     1            0           54d

The URL Path to get the resources is the same as the native Kubernetes /apis/apps/v1/deployments.

We just need to prefix the path to Clusterpedia Resources with /apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources to indicate that it is currently a Clusterpedia request.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments"

# Specify namespace
kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/kube-system/deployments"

In addition to specifying a single namespace, we can also specify to search the resources under a group of namespaces.

Use Search Label search.clusterpedia.io/namespaces to specify a group of namespaces.

Be sure to specify the -A flag to avoid kubectl setting default namespace in the path.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l "search.clusterpedia.io/namespaces in (kube-system, default)"
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-scheduler      0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-web            0/1     1            0           54d

When using URL, we don’t need to use Label Selector to pass parameters, just use URL Query - namespaces

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?namespaces=kube-system,default"

Specify Resource Names

Users can filter resources by a group of resource names

Use Search Label search.clusterpedia.io/names to specify a group of resource names.

Note: To search for resources under all namespaces, specify the -A flag, or use -n to specify the namespace.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l "search.clusterpedia.io/names=coredns"
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d

When using URL, use names to pass as URL Query, and if you need to specify namespaces, then add namespace to the path.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?names=kube-coredns,dd-airflow-web"

# search resources with specified names under default namespace
kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/deployments?names=kube-coredns,dd-airflow-web"

When searching from multiple clusters, the data returned is actually encapsulated in a structure similar to DeploymentList.

If we want to get a single Deployment then we need to specify the cluster name in the URL path, refer to Get Single Resource

Creation Time Interval

The creation time interval used for the search is left closed and right open, since <= creation time < before.

For more details on the time interval parameters, see Search by Creation Time Interval

Use Search Label - search.clusterpedia.io/since and search.clusterpedia.io/before to specify the time interval respectively.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l "search.clusterpedia.io/since=2022-03-24, \

When using URLs, you can use Query - since and before to specify the time interval respectively.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?since=2022-03-24&before=2022-04-10"

Currently supports fuzzy search based on resource names.

Since fuzzy search needs to be discussed further, it is temporarily provided as an experimental feature.

Only the Search Label method is supported, URL Query isn’t supported.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l "internalstorage.clusterpedia.io/fuzzy-name=test"

Filters out deployments whose names contain the test string.

You can use the in operator to pass multiple fuzzy arguments, so that you can filter out resources that have all strings in their names.

Field Selector

Native Kubernetes currently only supports field filtering on metadata.name and metadata.namespace, and the operators only support =, !=, ==`, which is very limited.

Clusterpedia provides more powerful features based on the compatibility with existing Field Selector features, and supports the same operators as Label Selector.

Field Selector’s key currently supports three formats.

  • Use . to sperate fields
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --field-selector="status.phase=Running"

# we can also add the first character `.`
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --field-selector=".status.phase notin (Running,Succeeded)"
  • Field names wrapped in '' or "" can be used for fields with illegal characters like .
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deploy \
    --field-selector="metadata.annotations['test.io'] in (value1,value2),spec.replica=3"
  • Use [] to separate fields, the string inside [] must be wrapped with '' or ""
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --field-selector="status['phase']!=Running"

Support List Fields

The actual design of field filtering takes into account the filtering of fields within list elements, but more discussion is needed as to whether the usage scenario actually makes sense: issue: support list field filtering


kubectl get po --field-selector="spec.containers[].name!=container1"

kubectl get po --field-selector="spec.containers[].name == container1"

kubectl get po --field-selector="spec.containers[1].name in (container1,container2)"

Search by Parent or Ancestor Owner

Searching by Owner is a very useful search function, and Clusterpedia also supports the seniority advancement of Owner to search for grandparents and even higher seniority.

By searching by Owner, we can query all Pods under Deployment at once, without having to query ReplicaSet in between.

When using the Owner query, we must specify a single cluster, either as a Serach Label or URL Query, or you can specify the cluster name in the URL Path.

For details on how to search by Owner, you can refer to Search by Parent or Ancestor Owenr within a specified cluster

Paging and Sorting

Paging and sorting are essential features for resource retrieval.

Sorting by multiple fields

Multiple fields can be specified for sorting, and the support for sorting fields is determined by the Storage Layer.

The current Default Storage Layer supports sorting clusternamespacenamecreated_atresource_version in both asc and desc, and the fields are also supported in any combination

Sorting using multiple fields

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods -l \
    "search.clusterpedia.io/orderby in (cluster, name)"

Because of Label Selector’s validation of value, order by desc requires _desc at the end of the field.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods -l \
    "search.clusterpedia.io/orderby in (namespace_desc, cluster, name)"

Use URL Query to specify sorting fields

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?orderby=namespace,cluster"

When specifying a field in order by desc, add desc to the end of the field, separated by spaces

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?orderby=namespace desc,cluster"


Native Kubernetes actually supports paging, and fields for paging queries already exist in ListOptions.

Clusterpedia reuses the ListOptions.Limit and ListOptions.Continue fields as the size and offset for paging.

kubectl --chunk-size is actually used for paging pulls by setting ListOptions.Limit.

The native Kubernetes APIServer carries the continue for the next list in the returned response, and performs the next list based on --chunk-size and conintue until the conintue is empty in the response data.

Clusterpedia does not return the continue field in the response by default in order to ensure paged search in kubectl, which prevents kubectl from pulling all data using chunks.

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods --chunk-size 10

Note that kubectl sets the limit to the default value of 500 without setting --chunk-size, which means that search.clusterpedia.io/size does not actually take effect and is only used to correspond to search.clusterpedia.io/offset.

URL Query has a higher priority than Search Label

There is no flag to set for continue in kubectl. So you have to use Search Label to pass it.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --chunk-size 10 -l \

To paginate resources, just set the limit and continue in the URL.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?limit=10&continue=5"

Response With Continue

ListMeta.Continue can be used in ListOptions.Continue as the offset for the next request.

As mentioned in the paging feature, Clusterepdia does not have continue in the response to prevent kubectl from pulling the full amount of data in pieces.

However, if the user requires it, he can request that the response include continue.

When accessing Clusterepdia using a URL, the response' continue can be used as the offset for the next request.

Use with paging

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?withContinue=true&limit=1" | jq
  "kind": "DeploymentList",
  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "metadata": {
    "continue": "1"
  "items": [

Setting search.clusterpedia.io/with-continue in kubectl will result in pulling the full amount of resources as a paged pull.

kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deploy -l \

Response With Remaining Count

In some UI cases, it is often necessary to get the total number of resources in the current search condition.

The RemainingItemCount field exists in the ListMeta of the Kubernetes List response.

By reusing this field, the total number of resources can be returned in a Kubernetes OpenAPI-compatible manner:

offset + len(list.items) + list.metadata.remainingItemCount

When offset is too large, remainingItemCount may be negative, ensuring that the total number of resources can always be calculated.

Set withRemainingCount in the URL Query to request that the response include the number of remaining resources.

Use with paging

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?withRemainingCount&limit=1" | jq
  "kind": "DeploymentList",
  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "metadata": {
    "remainingItemCount": 23
  "items": [

Need to use this feature as a URL

3.5.2 - Specified a Cluster

In addition to searching in multiple clusters, Clusterpedia can also search for resources in a specified cluster.

Using Search Label or URL Query to specify a single cluster is not different from specifying a cluster in URL Path in terms of performance

This topic focuses on specifying clusters in URL Path

Before using kubectl in the way of specifying a cluster, you need to configure the cluster shortcut for kubectl

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deployments -n kube-system
# Output:
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d

Specify a cluster by using the cluster name in the URL path

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/clusters/cluster-1/apis/apps/v1/deployments"

You can also specify a single cluster by URL Query

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?clusters=cluster-1"

The function supported by searching in a specified cluster is basically the same as that of multi-cluster search.

It is more convenient for searching by Owner in a specified cluster. In addition, when getting a single resource, you can only use the specified cluster in the URL Path.

Search by Parent or Ancestor Owner

To query by Owner, you shall specify a single cluster. You can use Search Label or URL Query to specify, or specify the cluster name in the URL Path.

Searching for resources based on ancestor owners can be done with Owner UID or Owner Name, and with Owner Seniority for Owner seniority advancement.

For the specific query parameters, you can refer to Search by Owner

In this way, you can directly search for the Pods corresponding to a Deployment without having to query which ReplicaSet belong to that Deployment.

Use the Owner UID

Owner Name and Owner Group Resource will be ignored after Owner UID is specified.

Firstly use kubectl to get Deployment UID

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deploy fake-deploy -o jsonpath="{.metadata.uid}"

Getting the uid under kubectl may be tricky, but it’s usually already easier to check metadata.uid in UI scenarios

Use owner-uid to specify Owner UID and use owner-seniority to promote the Owner’s seniority.

owner-seniority is 0 by default, which represents Owner is parent. If you set it to 1, Owenr can be promoted to grandfather

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods -l \

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/clusters/cluster-1/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?ownerUID=151ae265-28fe-4734-850e-b641266cd5da&ownerSeniority=1"

Use the Owner Name

If the Owner UID is not known in advance, then using Owner UID is a more troublesome way.

We can specify the Owner by it’s name, and we can also specify Owner Group Resource to restrict the Owner’s Group Resource.

Again, let’s take the example of getting the corresponding Pods under Deployment.

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods -l \

In addition, to avoid multiple types of owner resources in some cases, we can use the Owner Group Resource to restrict the type of owner.

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods -l \

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/clusters/cluster-1/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?ownerName=deploy-1&ownerSeniority=1"

Get a single resource

When we want to use the resource name to get (Get) a resource, we must pass the cluster name in the URL Path, just like namespace.

If a resource name is passed in a multi-cluster mode, an error will be reported

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deploy fake-deploy 
# Output:
cluster-1   fake-deploy 1/1     1            1           35d

Certainly, you can use Search Label to specify a resource name in the case of kubectl.

However, if you use -o yaml or other methods to check the returned source data, it is different from using kubectl --cluster <cluster name>.

# The actual server returns the DeploymentList resource, which is replaced with a list by kubectl
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deploy -l 
     search.clusterpedia.io/names=fake-deploy" -o yaml
# Output:
apiVersion: v1
- ...
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""
  selfLink: ""

The actual returned resource is still a KindList, while kubectl --cluster <clsuter name> returns a specific Kind.

kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deploy fake-deploy -o yaml
# Output:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "1"
    shadow.clusterpedia.io/cluster-name: cluster-1
  creationTimestamp: "2021-12-16T02:26:29Z"
  generation: 2
  name: fake-deploy
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "38085769"
  uid: 151ae265-28fe-4734-850e-b641266cd5da

The URL to get a specified resource can be divided into three parts:

  • Prefix to search for resource: /apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources
  • Specified cluster name: /clusters/< cluster name >
  • Resource name for Kubernetes API: Path /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/< namespace >/deployments/< resource name >
kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/clusters/cluster-1/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/deployments/fake-deploy"

3.5.3 - Collection Resource

For collection resource, refer to What is Collection Resource

Due to the limitation of kubectl, we cannot pass search conditions through Label Selector or other methods, so it is recommended to search for Collection Resource by using a URL.

When requesting Collection Resource, you shall use paging because the number of resources may be very large.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/collectionresources/workloads?limit=1" | jq
# Output
  "kind": "CollectionResource",
  "apiVersion": "clusterpedia.io/v1beta1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "workloads",
    "creationTimestamp": null
  "resourceTypes": [
      "group": "apps",
      "version": "v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",
      "resource": "deployments"
      "group": "apps",
      "version": "v1",
      "resource": "daemonsets"
      "group": "apps",
      "version": "v1",
      "resource": "statefulsets"
  "items": [
      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",

The complex search of Collection Resource is basically the same as the function of multi-cluster resource search, only some operations are not supported:

  • Search by Owner is not supported. If you need to specify a specific resource type to search by Owner, you can refer to multi-cluster resource search and specified cluster search
  • Getting a specific single resource in Collection Resource is not supported, because you shall specify cluster and type for a specific resource. In this case, you can use Get a single resource.

It is not easy to search for Collection Resource by using kubectl. However, you can have a try.

kubectl cannot pass pages and other search conditions and may get all Collection Resources at one time. It is not recommended to use kubectl to view Collection Resource if a large number of clusters are imported or a cluster has many deployments, daemonsets and statefulsets resources.

kubectl get collectionresources workloads
# Output
CLUSTER     GROUP   VERSION   KIND         NAMESPACE                     NAME                                          AGE
cluster-1   apps    v1        DaemonSet    kube-system                   vsphere-cloud-controller-manager              63d
cluster-2   apps    v1        Deployment   kube-system                   calico-kube-controllers                       109d
cluster-2   apps    v1        Deployment   kube-system                   coredns-coredns                               109d

Search for Collection Resource by using URL

Only Metadata

When we retrieve a CollectionResource, the default resource is the full resource content, but sometimes we just need to retrieve the metadata of the resource.

We can use url query – onlyMetadata to retrieve only the resource metadata when retrieving.

$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/collectionresources/workloads?onlyMetadata=true&limit=1" | jq
  "kind": "CollectionResource",
  "apiVersion": "clusterpedia.io/v1beta1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "workloads",
    "creationTimestamp": null
  "resourceTypes": [
      "group": "apps",
      "version": "v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",
      "resource": "deployments"
  "items": [
      "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
      "kind": "Deployment",
      "metadata": {
        "annotations": {
          "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision": "1",
          "shadow.clusterpedia.io/cluster-name": "cluster-example"
        "creationTimestamp": "2021-09-24T10:19:19Z",
        "generation": 1,
        "labels": {
          "k8s-app": "tigera-operator"
        "name": "tigera-operator",
        "namespace": "tigera-operator",
        "resourceVersion": "125073610",
        "uid": "992f9d53-37cb-4184-a004-15b278b11f79"

Any CollectionResource

any collectionresource is one of the ways that users can freely combine resource types with custom collection resources to see more.

clusterpedia supports a special CollectionResource —— any.

$ kubectl get collectionresources
any             *

When retrieving any collectionresource, we must specify a set of resource types by url query, so we can only retrieve any collectionresource via clusterpedia-io/client-go or URL.

$ kubectl get collectionresources any
Error from server (BadRequest): url query - `groups` or `resources` is required

any collectionresource supports two url queries —— groups and resources

groups and resources can be specified together, currently they are taken together and are not de-duplicated, the caller is responsible for de-duplication, there are some future optimizations for this behavior.

$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/collectionresources/any?onlyMetadata=true&groups=apps&resources=batch/jobs,batch/cronjobs" | jq


groups can specify a group and version of a set of resources, with multiple group versions separated by ,,

the group version format is < group >/< version >, or no version can be specified < group >, for resources under /api, you can just use the empty string.

Example: groups=apps/v1,,batch specifies three groups apps/v1, core, batch.


resources can specify a specific resource type, multiple resource types are separated by ,,

the resource type format is < group >/< version >/< resource>, by also not specifying the version < group >/< resource >.

Example: resources=apps/v1/deployments,apps/daemonsets,/pods specifies three resources deloyments, daemonsets and pods.

4 - Advanced Features

4.1 - Multi-Cluster kube-state-metrics

Clusterpedia provides kube-state-metrics features for multi-cluster resources at a fraction of the cost, providing the same metrics information as kube-state-metrics, but with the addition of a cluster name label.

kube_deployment_created{cluster="test-14",namespace="clusterpedia-system",deployment="clusterpedia-apiserver"} 1.676557618e+09

Since this feature is experimental, you will install Clusterpedia the standard way first.

Once Clusterpedia is installed, we need to update the helm to enable the multi-cluster kube-state-metrics feature.

The kube-state-metrics feature has been merged into the main branch and will be included in v0.8.0 in the future. The feature is included in the ghcr.io/iceber/clusterpedia/clustersynchro-manager:v0.8.0-ksm.1

Enable Multi-Cluster kube-state-metrics

Ensure Clusterpedia Chart Version >= v1.8.0

$ helm repo update clusterpedia
$ helm search clusterpedia
 NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
 clusterpedia/clusterpedia       1.8.0           v0.7.0          A Helm chart for Kubernetes

Get the current chart values

$ helm -n clusterpedia-system get values clusterpedia > values.yaml

Create patch values

$ echo "clustersynchroManager:
    repository: iceber/clusterpedia/clustersynchro-manager
    tag: v0.8.0-ksm.1
    enabled: true
" > patch.yaml

Update Clusterpedia to enable multi-cluster kube-state-metrics.

$ helm -n clusterpedia-system upgrade -f values.yaml -f patch.yaml clusterpedia clusterpedia/clusterpedia

Get clusterpedia kube-state-metrics services

$ kubectl -n clusterpedia-system get svc
NAME                                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
clusterpedia-apiserver                        ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP    150d
clusterpedia-clustersynchro-manager-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        8081/TCP   51m
clusterpedia-kube-state-metrics               ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   43m
clusterpedia-mysql                            ClusterIP   <none>        3306/TCP   150d
clusterpedia-mysql-headless                   ClusterIP   None            <none>        3306/TCP   150d

For more information on importing clusters and using clusterpedia: Import Clusters


Multi-cluster kube-state-metrics is a very interesting feature that removes the need to install a single-cluster version of kube-state-metrics in each cluster, and it handles the issue of differing resource versions very well.

There is a lot of discussion about this feature here, feel free to comment!

Also welcome to create a new issue

4.2 - Custom Storage Layer Plugin

Clusterpedia can use different storage components such as MySQL/PostgreSQL, Memory, Elasticsearch through the storage layer.

Currently, Clusterpedia has two built-in storage layers:

  • The internalstorage storage layer for accessing relational databases.
  • The memory storage layer based on Memory

Although Clusterpedia already supports relational databases and memory by default, user requirements are often variable and complex, and a fixed storage layer may not match the requirements of different users for storage components and performance, so Clusterpedia supports access to user-implemented storage layers by means of plugins, which we call custom storage layer plugins, or storage plugins for short.

With the storage plugin, users can do the following things:

  • Use any storage component, such as Elasticsearch, RedisGraph, Etcd, or even MessageQueue with no problem
  • Allow users to optimize the storage format and query performance of resources for their business
  • Implement more advanced retrieval features for storage components

Clusterpedia also maintains a number of storage plugins that users can choose from, depending on your needs:

Storage plugins are loaded by Clusterpedia components via Go Plugin, which provides very flexible plug-in access without any performance loss compared to RPC or other methods.

The performance impact of the Go Plugin can be found at https://github.com/uberswe/goplugins

As we all know, Go Plugin is troublesome to develop and use, but Clusterpedia cleverly optimizes the use and development of storage plugins through some mechanisms, and provides clusterpedia-io/sample-storage plugin as a reference.

Here we take clusterpedia-io/sample-storage as an example to introduce.

Use the custom storage layer plugin

The use of the storage plugin can be broadly divided into three ways:

  1. Run the Clusterpedia component binary and load the storage plugins
  2. Use the base Chart – clusterpedia-core to set up the storage plugin image and configure the storage layer
  3. Use the Clusterpedia Advanced Chart to not care about the storage plugin settings

By running the component binary locally, we can get a better understanding of how the Cluserpedia component loads and runs the storage plugins.

Users can actually use the storage plugin image already built, or deploy Clusterpedia Advanced Chart directly

Local Run

Building Plugins

A storage plugin is actually a dynamic link library with a .so suffix. Clusterpedia components can load storage plugins at startup and use specific storage plugins depending on the specified storage layer name.

Let’s take clusterpedia-io/sample-storage as an example and build a storage plugin binary

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/clusterpedia-io/sample-storage.git && cd sample-storage
$ make build-plugin

Use the file command to view storage plugin information

$ file ./plugins/sample-storage-layer.so
./plugins/sample-storage-layer.so: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64

Clusterpedia’s ClusterSynchro Manager and APIServer components can load and use storage plugins via environment variables and command flags:

  • STORAGE_PLUGINS=<plugins dir> environment variable sets the directory where the plugins are located, and Clusterpedia will load all plugins in that directory into the component
  • --storage-name=<storage name> command flag, set the storage layer name
  • --storage-config=<storage config path> command flag, set the storage layer configuration

Building components

To ensure consistent dependencies when running locally, clusterpedia components need to be built locally with the make build-components command

For more information on building storage plugins and Clusterpedia components see Developing custom storage layer plugins

$ # cd sample-storage
$ make build-components
$ ls -al ./bin
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  90707488 11  7 11:15 apiserver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  91896016 11  7 11:16 binding-apiserver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  82769728 11  7 11:16 clustersynchro-manager
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  45682000 11  7 11:17 controller-manager

Storage plugin runtime configuration file

Before running clusterpedia you also need to prepare the runtime configuration file for the storage plugin. sample-storage provides an example configuration example-config.yaml

When running the clusterpedia component, set the configuration file via --storage-config=./config.yaml to specify the runtime configuration file

# example-config.yaml
type: mysql
port: "3306"
user: root
password: dangerous0
database: clusterpedia
  stdout: true
  colorful: true
  slowThreshold: 100ms

The user needs to configure the runtime configuration according to the selected storage layer

Run clusterpedia clustersynchro manager

$ STORAGE_PLUGINS=./plugins ./bin/clustersynchro-manager --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
    --storage-name=sample-storage-layer \
    --storage-config ./config.yaml

Run clusterpedia apiserver

You can choose not to use your own generated certificate, which requires running apiserver without the -client-ca-file ca.crt flag.

$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt
$ openssl req -out client.csr -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout client.key -subj "/CN=development/O=system:masters"
$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -sha256 -out client.crt

run apiserver

$ STORAGE_PLUGINS=./plugins ./bin/apiserver --client-ca-file ca.crt  --secure-port 8443 \
    --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
    --authentication-kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
    --authorization-kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
    --storage-name=sample-storage-layer \
    --storage-config ./config.yaml

Storage Plugin Image + Helm Charts

Clusterpeida already provides several Charts:

  • charts/clusterpedia is a Chart using the internalstorage storage layer, which can be optionally deployed with MySQL or PostgreSQL, but does not support setting up storage plugins
  • charts/clusterpedia-core supports configuration of any storage layer Chart, usually used as a child Chart
  • charts/clusterpedia-mysql is an advanced Chart using MySQL as the storage component, based on clusterpedia-core implementation
  • charts/clusterpedia-postgresql is an advanced Chart using PostgreSQL as the storage component, based on the clusterpedia-core implementation
  • charts/clusterpedia-elasticsearch uses Elasticsearch as the advanced Chart for the storage component, based on the clusterpedia-core implementation

If you don’t need a storage plugin and the internalstorage storage layer and relational database are sufficient, you can use charts/clusterpedia directly, out of the box.

clusterpedia-mysqlclusterpedia-postgresql and clusterpedia-elasticsearch are advanced Charts based on charts/clusterpedia-core, in which the user is shielded from the complex concept of storage plugins by default configuration of clusterpedia-core’s storage plugin image and storage layer configuration, right out of the box.

Although we usually use Advanced Charts directly in our usage, knowing how to use charts/clusterpedia-core to set up storage plugin images gives us a better understanding of how plugin images work.


Let’s take clusterpedia-io/sample-storage as an example and deploy Clusterpedia using the ghcr.io/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer plugin image.

The clusterpedia-core does not involve the deployment and installation of any storage components, so users need to configure the storage layer according to the deployed storage components

# myvalues.yaml
  name: "sample-storage-layer"
    registry: ghcr.io
    repository: clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer
    tag: v0.0.0-v0.6.0
    type: "mysql"
    host: ""
    port: 3306
    user: root
    password: dangerous0
    database: clusterpedia

storage.name sets the storage layer name of the storage image plugin

clusterpedia-core copies the storage plugins from the plugin image defined by storage.image to the component’s plugin directory.

# helm template clusterpedia -n clusterpedia-system -f myvalues.yaml ./clusterpedia-core
      - name: copy-storage-plugin
        image: ghcr.io/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer:v0.0.0-v0.6.0
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          - /bin/sh
          - -ec
          - cp /plugins/* /var/lib/clusterpedia/plugins/
        - name: storage-plugins
          mountPath: /var/lib/clusterpedia/plugins
      - name: clusterpedia-clusterpedia-core-apiserver
        image: ghcr.io/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/apiserver:v0.6.0
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - /usr/local/bin/apiserver
        - --secure-port=443
        - --storage-name=sample-storage-layer
        - --storage-config=/etc/clusterpedia/storage/config.yaml
        - name: STORAGE_PLUGINS
          value: /var/lib/clusterpedia/plugins
        - name: storage-config
          mountPath: /etc/clusterpedia/storage
          readOnly: true
        - name: storage-plugins
          mountPath: /var/lib/clusterpedia/plugins
          readOnly: true
      - name: storage-config
          name: clusterpedia-clusterpedia-core-sample-storage-layer-config
      - name: storage-plugins
        emptyDir: {}

In addition to using storage.config to define the runtime configuration config.yaml for the storage layer, you can also use the existing configmap and secret.

# myvalues.yaml
  name: "sample-storage-layer"
    registry: ghcr.io
    repository: clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer
    tag: v0.0.0-v0.6.0

  configMap: "sample-storage-config"
  - name: DB_PASSWORD
        name: "sample-storage-password"
        key: password

clusterpedia-core is very flexible in configuration of the storage layer in order to be referenced by other advanced Charts as a child Chart, but users do not necessarily need to use clusterpedia-core directly in practice, just the advanced Charts deployed for the specific storage component, such as clusterpedia-mysql and clusterpedia-postgresql.

In the next section we will also describe how to implement Advanced Charts for specific storage components based on clusterpedia-core.

Developing custom storage layer plugins

clusterpedia-io/sample-storage is not only a storage plugin example, but also a template repository where the project structure and most of the build tools can be used in other storage plugin projects

We first clone sample-storage, or generate a new storage plugin repository based on sample-storage

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/clusterpedia-io/sample-storage.git && cd sample-storage

Note that when pulling the repository, you need to specify --recursive to pull the sub-repository

$ ls -al
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff    260 12 13 15:14 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff   1836 12 13 16:03 Makefile
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff   2219 11 23 10:25 README.md
drwxr-xr-x  32 icebergu  staff   1024 11 23 10:30 clusterpedia
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff    156 11 23 10:25 example-config.yaml
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff   2376 12 13 15:33 go.mod
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff  46109 12 13 15:33 go.sum
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff    139 11 23 10:25 main.go
drwxr-xr-x  16 icebergu  staff    512 12 13 15:33 storage
drwxr-xr-x   9 icebergu  staff    288 12 13 15:33 vendor

The entire project structure is divided into three categories:

  • main.go, storage package: the core logic of the custom storage plugin
  • clusterpedia local repository: used for local development and testing
  • Dockerfile and Makefile for project build and image packaging, which can be applied to any storage plugin project

core logic

main.go is the main storage plugin file, mainly used to call the registration function in the storage package – RegisterStorageLayer.

package main

import (
	plugin "github.com/clusterpedia-io/sample-storage-layer/storage"

func init() {

The storage package contains the core logic of the storage plugin:

  1. Implementing the clusterpedia storage layer interface storage.StorageFactory
import (


type StorageFactory struct {
	db *gorm.DB

var _ storage.StorageFactory = &StorageFactory{}
  1. NewStorageFactory function to return an instance of storage.StorageFactory
func NewStorageFactory(configPath string) (storage.StorageFactory, error)
  1. The RegisterStorageLayer function registers the NewStorageFactory with clusterpedia
const StorageName = "sample-storage-layer"

func RegisterStorageLayer() {
	storage.RegisterStorageFactoryFunc(StorageName, NewStorageFactory)

The registered NewStorageFactory is automatically called when the user specifies the storage layer with --storage-name to create an instance of storage.StorageFactory.

Local development run

To facilitate development and testing, we have added the clusterpedia repository as a subrepository to the storage plugin repository

$ git submodule status
+4608c8d13101d82960525dfe39f51e4f64ed49b3 clusterpedia (v0.6.0)

and replace the clusterpedia repository in go.mod with a local subrepository

# go.mod
replace (
        github.com/clusterpedia-io/api => ./clusterpedia/staging/src/github.com/clusterpedia-io/api
        github.com/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia => ./clusterpedia

The local cluserpedia subrepository will not be used when building the storage layer image

Build storage plugin

The build of the storage plugin is divided into two parts, building the components in the clusterpedia repository and building the storage plugin.

$ make build-components
OUTPUT_DIR=/Users/icebergu/workspace/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer ON_PLUGINS=true \
                /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make -C clusterpedia all
hack/builder.sh apiserver
hack/builder.sh binding-apiserver
hack/builder.sh clustersynchro-manager
hack/builder-nocgo.sh controller-manager

$ ls -al ./bin
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  90724968 12 15 09:51 apiserver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  91936472 12 15 09:52 binding-apiserver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  82826584 12 15 09:52 clustersynchro-manager
-rwxr-xr-x   1 icebergu  staff  45677904 12 15 09:52 controller-manager

The make build-components command will call make all from the clusterpedia repository and output the result to ./bin directory of the storage plugin project.

If the clusterpedia subrepository has not changed, then you only need to build the components once

Build the storage plugin

$ make build-plugin
CLUSTERPEDIA_REPO=/Users/icebergu/workspace/clusterpedia/sample-storage/clusterpedia \
                clusterpedia/hack/builder.sh plugins sample-storage-layer.so

$ ls -al ./plugins
-rw-r--r--   1 icebergu  staff  53354352 12 15 09:47 sample-storage-layer.so

Building the storage plugin locally also requires using the builder.sh script of the clusterpedia repository to build the plugin binary.

For running storage plugins, see Running storage plugins locally

storage plugin image

As mentioned above, storage plugins are shared with clusterpedia by image in a real deployment.

The Makefile provides make image-plugin to build images and make push-images to publish them.

Building images

To build a plugin image, we need to use the clusterpedia/builder image as the base image to build the plugin, and the builder image needs to be the same version as the clusterpedia component that uses the plugin

$ BUILDER_IMAGE=ghcr.io/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/builder:v0.6.0 make image-plugin

clusterpedia maintains a builder image of the published version, and users can also use their own locally built builder image

Build the builder image locally

$ cd clusterpedia
$ make image-builder
docker buildx build \
                -t "ghcr.io/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia"/builder-amd64:4608c8d13101d82960525dfe39f51e4f64ed49b3 \
                --platform=linux/amd64 \
                --load \
                -f builder.dockerfile . ; \

The tag format for storage plugin images is < stroage version >-<clusterpedia-version/commit>, for example: ghcr.io/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer:v0.0.0-v0.6.0

The storage plugin image can be deployed in the <clusterpedia-version/commit> version of Clusterpedia

push images

make image-plugin builds the storage plugin image based on the manually set builder image

While pushing images with make push-images automatically builds images for all compatible versions and architectures

# Makefile
CLUSTERPEDIA_VERSIONS = v0.6.0-beta.1 v0.6.0
RELEASE_ARCHS ?= amd64 arm64

Once the image is built, the storage plugin image can be used via cluserpedia-core

Advanced Chart based on clusterpedia-core

After implementing our own storage plugin, we still need to provide an Advanced Chart based on clusterpedia-core Chart to make it easier to use.

Advanced Chart needs to provide the following capabilities:

  • Set the default storage plugin image
  • Set the storage layer name
  • Support dynamic setting of the runtime configuration of the storage layer
  • Provide configuration and installation of storage components

Create a new Chart using the sample-storage storage plugin – clusterpedia-sample-mysql, which will use mysql as the storage component.

# Chart.yaml
  - name: mysql
    repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
    version: 9.x.x
  - name: common
    repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
    version: 1.x.x
  - name: clusterpedia-core
    repository: https://clusterpedia-io.github.io/clusterpedia-helm/
    version: 0.1.x

We need to override the storage layer related settings in clusterpedia-core, which provides both values.yaml and dynamic templates to set up the storage plugin and storage layer information

We override the static settings of the storage layer in values.yaml, such as plugin image and storage layer name

# values.yaml
    name: "sample-storage-layer"
      registry: "ghcr.io"
      repository: "clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia/sample-storage-layer"
      tag: "v0.0.0-v0.6.0"

The config.yaml and some environment variables of the custom storage layer generally need to refer to ConfigMap and Secret, and the names of these resources will change dynamically according to the Chart release name, so we need to use the dynamic templates way to set

clusterpedia-core provides three overriding naming templates

# clusterpedia-core/templates/_storage_override.yaml
{{- define "clusterpedia.storage.override.initContainers" -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "clusterpedia.storage.override.configmap.name" -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "clusterpedia.storage.override.componentEnv" -}}
{{- end -}}

Each of them can be set as follows:

  • apiserver and clustersynchro manager init containers before running
  • ConfigMap name to store the config.yaml configuration that the plugin needs to read
  • Environment variables to be used by the storage plugin

Let’s take clusterpedia-mysql as an example and see how it is set

# _storage_override.yaml
{{- define "clusterpedia.storage.override.initContainers" -}}
- name: ensure-database
  image: docker.io/bitnami/mysql:8.0.28-debian-10-r23
  - /bin/sh
  - -ec
  - |
    if [ ${CREARE_DATABASE} = "ture" ]; then
      echo waiting for database check && sleep 1;
      echo 'DataBase OK ✓'
      until mysqladmin status -u${STORAGE_USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} --host=${STORAGE_HOST} --port=${STORAGE_PORT}; do sleep 1; done
  - name: DB_PASSWORD
        name: {{ include "clusterpedia.mysql.storage.fullname" . }}
        key: password
  - configMapRef:
      name: {{ include "clusterpedia.mysql.storage.initContainer.env.name" . }}
{{- end -}}

clusterpedia-mysql defines the environment variables needed to init containers in the storage-initcontainer-env-configmap.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: {{ include "clusterpedia.mysql.storage.initContainer.env.name" . }}
  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
  labels: {{ include "common.labels.standard" . | nindent 4 }}
  STORAGE_HOST: {{ include "clusterpedia.mysql.storage.host" . | quote }}
  STORAGE_PORT: {{ include "clusterpedia.mysql.storage.port" . | quote }}
  STORAGE_USER: {{ include "clusterpedia.mysql.storage.user" . | quote }}
  STORAGE_DATABASE: {{ include "clusterpedia.mysql.storage.database" . | quote }}
  CREARE_DATABASE: {{ .Values.externalStorage.createDatabase | quote }}

The init container dynamically set by the clusterpedia.storage.override.initContainers naming template will be rendered to Deployment

# helm template clusterpedia -n clusterpedia-system --set persistenceMatchNode=None .
      - name: ensure-database
        image: docker.io/bitnami/mysql:8.0.28-debian-10-r23
        - /bin/sh
        - -ec
        - |
          if [ ${CREARE_DATABASE} = "ture" ]; then
            echo waiting for database check && sleep 1;
            echo 'DataBase OK ✓'
            until mysqladmin status -u${STORAGE_USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} --host=${STORAGE_HOST} --port=${STORAGE_PORT}; do sleep 1; done
        - name: DB_PASSWORD
              name: clusterpedia-mysql-storage
              key: password
        - configMapRef:
            name: clusterpedia-mysql-storage-initcontainer-env

The ConfigMap and environment variables of the storage plugin runtime configuration config.yaml are also dynamically configured in clusterpedia-mysql

# _storage_override.yaml

{{- define "clusterpedia.storage.override.configmap.name" -}}
{{- printf "%s-mysql-storage-config" .Release.Name -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "clusterpedia.storage.override.componentEnv" -}}
      name: {{ include "clusterpedia.mysql.storage.fullname" . }}
      key: password
{{- end -}}

The storage layer configuration is set to the APIServer and ClusterSynchro Manager Deployment through static override of values and dynamic setting of naming templates

Advanced Chart like clusterpedia-mysql allows you to mask the use of underlying storage plugins for users out of the box

5 - Features

When using feature functionality, users need to enabled the corresponding feature gates.

For example, enable SyncAllResources of clustersynchro manager to allow the user of All-resources Wildcard

# ignore other flags
./bin/clustersynchro-manager --feature-gates=SyncAllResources=true

Clusterpedia APIServer and Clusterpedia ClusterSynchro Manager have different feature gates.


desc feature gate default
Set the default to return the number of resources remaining RemainingItemCount false
Raw SQl Query AllowRawSQLQuery false

ClusterSynchro Manager

desc feature gate default
Prune metadata.managedFields PruneManagedFields true
Prune metadata.annotations['lastAppliedConfiguration'] PruneLastAppliedConfiguration true
Allows synchronization of all types of custom resources AllowSyncCustomResources false
Allows synchronization of all types of resources AllowSyncAllResources false
Use standalone tcp for health checker HealthCheckerWithStandaloneTCP false

5.1 - Return RemainingItemCount

We can require the number of remaining resources to be included in the response by search label or url query when querying.

search label url query
search.clusterpedia.io/with-remaining-count withRemainingCount

Detailed use can be referred to Response With Remaining Count

You can set the number of remaining resources to be returned by default via Feature Gates – RemainingItemCount, so that the user does not need to use a search label or url query to display the request at each request.

When the remaining item count is returned by default, you can still request that the remaining item count not be returned via search label or url query.

kubectl get --raw="/apis/clusterpedia.io/v1beta1/resources/apis/apps/v1/deployments?withRemainingCount=false&limit=1" | jq

Feature Gate dedicated to clusterpedia apiserver

desc feature gate default
Set whether to return the number of remaining resources by default RemainingItemCount false

This feature is turned off by default because it may have an impact on the behavior or performance of the storage layer.

For the default storage tier, returning the number of remaining resources results in an additional COUNT query

5.2 - Raw SQL Query

Different users may have different needs, and although clusterpedia provides many easy search options, such as specifying a set of namespaces or clusters, or specifying an owner for a query, users may still have more complex queries.

In this case, you can use the Raw SQL Query provided by the default storage layer to pass more complex search conditions.

kubectl get --raw="$URL?whereSQL=(cluster='global') OR (namespace IN ('kube-system','default'))"

In the example, we pass a SQL statement for a WHERE query —— (cluster=‘global’) OR (namespace IN (‘kube-system’,‘default’)),

This statement will retrieve deployments under all namespaces in the global cluster and under the kube-system and default namespaces in other clusters.

The sql statement needs to conform to the SQL syntax of the specific storage component(MySQL, PostgreSQL).

This feature gate is exclusive to the clusterpedia apiserver

desc feature gates 默认值
Allow search conditions to be set using raw SQL AllowRawSQLQuery false

Raw SQL queries are currently in alpha and are not well protected against SQL injection, so you need to enable this feature via Feature Gate.

5.3 - Resource Field Pruning

There are some fields in the resource’s metadata that are usually not very useful in the actual search, so we prune these fields by default when syncing.

We use feature gates to separately control whether thess fields are prunned during resource synchronization, these feature gates are exclusive to the clustersynchro manager component

field feature gates default
metadata.managedFields PruneManagedFields true
metadata.annotations[‘lastAppliedConfiguration’] PruneLastAppliedConfiguration true

5.4 - Standalone TCP for Health Checker

When client-go creates any number of Clients with the same configuration, such as certificates, it reuses the same TCP connection. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/3f823c0daa002158b12bfb2d53bcfe433516659d/staging/src/k8s.io/client-go/transport/transport.go#L54

This results in the cluster health check interface using the same TCP connection as the resource synchronized informer, which may cause TCP blocking and increased health check latency if a large number of informers are started for the first time. We add a feature gate - HealthCheckerWithStandaloneTCP to allow users to use a standalone tcp for health checks

./clustersynchro-manager --feature-gates=HealthCheckerWithStandaloneTCP=true
desc feature gates default
Use standalone tcp for health checker HealthCheckerWithStandaloneTCP false

Note: When this feature is turned on, the TCP long connections to member clusters will change from 1 to 2. If 1000 clusters are imported, then ClusterSynchro Manager will keep 2000 TCP connections.

5.5 - Sync All Custom Resources

The custom resources differ from kube’s built-in resources in that kube’s built-in resources do not usually change on a regular basis (there are still two cases where the native resource type can change).

The custom resource types can be created and deleted dynamically.

If you want to automatically adjust the synchronized resource types based on changes in the CRD of the imported cluster, you specify in PediaCluster to synchronize all custom resources.

  syncAllCustomResources: true

This feature may cause a lot of long connections, so you need to enable Feature Gate in the clustersynchro manager.

desc feature gate default
Allow synchronization of all custom resources AllowSyncAllCustomResources true

5.6 - Sync All Resources

You can synchronize all types of resources with the All-resource Wildcard, and any resource type change in the imported cluster (e.g. kube version upgrade, group/version disabled, CRD or APIService change) will cause the synchronized resource type to be modified.

  - group: "*"
    - "*"

Please use this feature with caution, it will create a lot of long connections, in the future Clusterpedia will add the Agent feature to avoid the creation of long connections

It is recommended to specify specific resource types, if you need to dynamically synchronize custom resources, you can use Sync all custom resources.

To use All-resources Wildcard you need to enable Feature Gate in clustersynchro manager.

desc feature gate default
Allow synchronization of all resources AllowSyncAllResources true

6 - Release notes