Cluster API Searching Has Never Been Easier

After 0.4.0, Clusterpedia provides a more friendly way to interface to multi-cloud platforms, Users simply create or join clusters in the multi-cloud platform and then use Clusterpedia to retrieve the resources within those clusters directly .

We maintain ClusterImportPolicy for each multi-cloud platform in the Clusterpedia repository. You are very welcome to submit ClusterImportPolicy to Clusterpedia for interfacing to other multi-cloud platforms.

After installing Clusterpedia, you can create the appropriate ClusterImportPolicy, or you can create a new ClusterImportPolicy according to your needs (multi-cloud platform).

The ClusterImportPolicy for the Cluster API has been submitted in clusterpedia#288. After creating clusters in the Cluster API, you can use Clusterpedia directly to do complex searches of resources within these clusters.

$ kubectl get cluster
NAME                PHASE         AGE    VERSION
capi-quickstart     Provisioned   10m    v1.24.2
capi-quickstart-2   Provisioned   118s   v1.24.2

$ kubectl get kubeadmcontrolplane
capi-quickstart-2-ctm9k   capi-quickstart-2   true                                 1                  1         1             10m   v1.24.2
capi-quickstart-2xcsz     capi-quickstart     true                                 1                  1         1             19m   v1.24.2

$ # the pediacluster resources will automatically create, updates or delete based on cluster resources
$ kubectl get pediacluster -o wide
default-capi-quickstart     True    v1.24.2               Validated   Running          Healthy
default-capi-quickstart-2   True    v1.24.2               Validated   Running          Healthy

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get no
CLUSTER                     NAME                                            STATUS     ROLES           AGE   VERSION
default-capi-quickstart-2   capi-quickstart-2-ctm9k-g2m87                   NotReady   control-plane   12m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart-2   capi-quickstart-2-md-0-s8hbx-7bd44554b5-kzcb6   NotReady   <none>          11m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart     capi-quickstart-2xcsz-fxrrk                     NotReady   control-plane   21m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart     capi-quickstart-md-0-9tw2g-b8b4f46cf-gggvq      NotReady   <none>          20m   v1.24.2

Quickly deploy a sample environment for Cluster API and Clusterpedia


Minimum kind supported version: v0.14.0

Create a management cluster and deploy the Cluster API

Deploying the Cluster API can also be found in

$ cat > kind-cluster-with-extramounts.yaml <<EOF
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
    - hostPath: /var/run/docker.sock
      containerPath: /var/run/docker.sock

$ kind create cluster --name capi-sample --config kind-cluster-with-extramounts.yaml

$ export CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY=true
$ clusterctl init --infrastructure docker

Deploy Clusterpedia

$ git clone && cd clusterpedia/charts
$ helm install clusterpedia . \
  --namespace clusterpedia-system \
  --create-namespace \
  --set installCRDs=true \
  # --set persistenceMatchNode={{ LOCAL_PV_NODE }}
  --set persistenceMatchNode=capi-sample-control-plane

The Clusterpedia Chart creates a local pv for the storage component, but you need to specify the node using the persistenceMatchNode option, eg. –set persistenceMatchNode=master-1.

If you don’t need to create a local pv, add the –set persistenceMatchNode=None flag. Lean More

Create ClusterImportPolicy for interfacing to the Cluster API

$ kubectl apply -f

Clusterpedia can be integrated into any multi-cloud management platform, Lean More

Gen cluster shortcut for kubectl, If you use client-go or OpenAPI to access, you can omit this step

$ curl -sfL | sh -

$ # Using kubectl to retrieve multicluster resources, the current Cluster API does not create a cluster, so it returns null
$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia api-resources

Create a cluster using the Cluster API

When using the sample environments' Docker Provider to create a cluster, you need to add --flavor development flag.

$ clusterctl generate cluster capi-quickstart --flavor development \
  --kubernetes-version v1.24.2 \
  --control-plane-machine-count=1 \
  --worker-machine-count=1 \
  > capi-quickstart.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./capi-quickstart.yaml

View cluster creation status

$ kubectl get cluster
NAME              PHASE         AGE   VERSION
capi-quickstart   Provisioned   8s    v1.24.2

$ kubectl get kubeadmcontrolplane -w
capi-quickstart-2xcsz   capi-quickstart   true                                 1                  1         1             86s   v1.24.2

when kubeadmcontrolplane’s Initialized is true, lusterpedia will automatically synchronize the resources in the cluster, you can use kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get to search the resources.

$ kubectl get pediacluster
NAME                      READY   VERSION   APISERVER
default-capi-quickstart   True    v1.24.2

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pod -A
NAMESPACE     CLUSTER                   NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart   kube-apiserver-capi-quickstart-2xcsz-fxrrk            1/1     Running   0          2m32s
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart   kube-scheduler-capi-quickstart-2xcsz-fxrrk            1/1     Running   0          2m31s
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart   coredns-6d4b75cb6d-lrwj4                              0/1     Pending   0          2m20s
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart   kube-proxy-p8v9m                                      1/1     Running   0          2m20s
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart   kube-controller-manager-capi-quickstart-2xcsz-fxrrk   1/1     Running   0          2m32s
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart   etcd-capi-quickstart-2xcsz-fxrrk                      1/1     Running   0          2m32s
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart   kube-proxy-2ln2w                                      1/1     Running   0          105s
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart   coredns-6d4b75cb6d-2hcmz                              0/1     Pending   0          2m20s

The cluster-api clusterimportpolicy sets the resources to be synchronized by default in the cluster.

Users can also manually modify the configuration of synchronization in pediacluster, Synchronize Cluster Resources

When the cluster is deleted in the Cluster API, Clusterpedia also deletes PeidaCluster at the same time.

Resources retrieval for multiple clusters

Use the above steps to create multiple clusters

$ kubectl get cluster
NAME                PHASE         AGE    VERSION
capi-quickstart     Provisioned   10m    v1.24.2
capi-quickstart-2   Provisioned   118s   v1.24.2

$ kubectl get kubeadmcontrolplane
capi-quickstart-2-ctm9k   capi-quickstart-2   true                                 1                  1         1             10m   v1.24.2
capi-quickstart-2xcsz     capi-quickstart     true                                 1                  1         1             19m   v1.24.2

$ # the pediacluster resources will automatically create, updates or delete based on cluster resources
$ kubectl get pediacluster -o wide
default-capi-quickstart     True    v1.24.2               Validated   Running          Healthy
default-capi-quickstart-2   True    v1.24.2               Validated   Running          Healthy

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get no
CLUSTER                     NAME                                            STATUS     ROLES           AGE   VERSION
default-capi-quickstart-2   capi-quickstart-2-ctm9k-g2m87                   NotReady   control-plane   12m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart-2   capi-quickstart-2-md-0-s8hbx-7bd44554b5-kzcb6   NotReady   <none>          11m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart     capi-quickstart-2xcsz-fxrrk                     NotReady   control-plane   21m   v1.24.2
default-capi-quickstart     capi-quickstart-md-0-9tw2g-b8b4f46cf-gggvq      NotReady   <none>          20m   v1.24.2

Clusterpedia supports two types of resource search:

$ kubectl api-resources | grep
collectionresources  false   CollectionResource
resources       false   Resources
$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get cm -A
NAMESPACE         CLUSTER                     NAME                                 DATA   AGE
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart     extension-apiserver-authentication   6      19m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart     kubeadm-config                       1      19m
kube-public       default-capi-quickstart     cluster-info                         2      19m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart     kube-proxy                           2      19m
kube-node-lease   default-capi-quickstart     kube-root-ca.crt                     1      19m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart-2   extension-apiserver-authentication   6      10m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart     kubelet-config                       1      19m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart     coredns                              1      19m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart     kube-root-ca.crt                     1      19m
kube-public       default-capi-quickstart     kube-root-ca.crt                     1      19m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart-2   coredns                              1      10m
default           default-capi-quickstart     kube-root-ca.crt                     1      19m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart-2   kube-proxy                           2      10m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart-2   kubeadm-config                       1      10m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart-2   kubelet-config                       1      10m
kube-system       default-capi-quickstart-2   kube-root-ca.crt                     1      10m
kube-node-lease   default-capi-quickstart-2   kube-root-ca.crt                     1      10m
kube-public       default-capi-quickstart-2   cluster-info                         3      10m
kube-public       default-capi-quickstart-2   kube-root-ca.crt                     1      10m
default           default-capi-quickstart-2   kube-root-ca.crt                     1      10m

$ # gen cluster shortcuts
$ curl -sfL | sh -
$ kubectl --cluster default-capi-quickstart get cm -n kube-system

Clusterpedia can also perform more advanced aggregation of resources. For example, you can use Collection Resource to get a set of different resources at once.

$ kubectl get collectionresources
any             *
workloads       apps.deployments,apps.daemonsets,apps.statefulsets
kuberesources   .*,*,*,*,apps.*,*,*,autoscaling.*,batch.*,*,*,*,*,extensions.*,*,*,*,*,*,policy.*,*,*,*

$ kubectl get collectionresources workloads


$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get cm -A -l \
    " in (default-capi-quickstart,default-capi-quickstart-2),\ in (kube-system,default)"
NAMESPACE     CLUSTER                     NAME                                 DATA   AGE
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart     extension-apiserver-authentication   6      23m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart     kubeadm-config                       1      23m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart     kube-proxy                           2      23m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart-2   extension-apiserver-authentication   6      14m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart     kubelet-config                       1      23m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart     coredns                              1      23m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart     kube-root-ca.crt                     1      23m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart-2   coredns                              1      14m
default       default-capi-quickstart     kube-root-ca.crt                     1      23m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart-2   kube-proxy                           2      14m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart-2   kubeadm-config                       1      14m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart-2   kubelet-config                       1      14m
kube-system   default-capi-quickstart-2   kube-root-ca.crt                     1      14m
default       default-capi-quickstart-2   kube-root-ca.crt                     1      14m

Clusterpedia is Listed in the CNCF Cloud Native Landscape

In the updated CNCF Cloud Native Landscape, Clusterpedia was listed into the Scheduling & Orchestration quadrant of the Orchestration & Management layer, becoming a cloud-native multi-cluster complex retrieval tool recommended by CNCF.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) belongs to the Linux Foundation and was established in December 2015. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering and maintaining a vendor-neutral open source ecosystem to promote cloud native technologies and make cloud native universal and sustainable.

The Cloud Native Landscape has been maintained by CNCF since December 2016. It is intended as a map to list popular projects with best practices in the community, and categorizes them in the cloud native space to provide reference for enterprises to build a cloud native ecosystem. It has extensive influence on the development, operation, and maintenance of cloud native technologies.

Clusterpedia v0.2.0 Release

Use helm to install

Users can already use Helm to install Clusterpedia:

$ helm install clusterpedia . \
  --namespace clusterpedia-system \
  --create-namespace \
  --set persistenceMatchNode={{ LOCAL_PV_NODE }} \
  # --set installCRDs=true

Lean More

Use the Kube Config to import a cluster

For v0.1.0, users need to Configure the address for the imported cluster and the authentication information.

kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-example
  apiserver: ""
  syncResources: []

In v0.2.0, the PediaCluster added the spec.kubeconfig field so that users can use kube config to import the cluster directly.

First you need to base64 encode the kube config for the imported cluster.

$ base64 ./kubeconfig.yaml

Set the content after the base64 to PediaCluster spec.kubeconfig, in addition spec.apiserver and other authentication fields don’t need to set.

kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-example
  kubeconfig: **base64 kubeconfig**
  syncResources: []

However, since the cluster address is configured in kube config, the APIServer is empty when you use kubectl get pediacluster.

$ kubectl get pediacluster
cluster-example               v1.22.2   Healthy

Mutating addmission webhooks will be added in the future to automatically set spec.apiserver, currently if you want to show the cluster apiserver address when kubectl get pediacluster, then you need to manually configure the spec.apiserver field additionally.

New Search Feature

Search by creation time interval

Description Search Label Key URL Query
Since since
Before before

The creation time interval used for the search is left closed and right open, since <= creation time < before.

There are four formats for creation time:

  1. Unix Timestamp for ease of use will distinguish between units of s or ms based on the length of the timestamp. The 10-bit timestamp is in seconds, the 13-bit timestamp is in milliseconds.
  2. RFC3339 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z or 2006-01-02T15:04:05+08:00
  3. UTC Date 2006-01-02
  4. UTC Datetime 2006-01-02 15:04:05

Because of the limitation of the kube label selector, the search label only supports Unix Timestamp and UTC Date.

All formats are available using the url query method.

Look at what resources are under the default namespace

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods
CLUSTER           NAME                                                 READY   STATUS      RESTARTS       AGE
cluster-example   quickstart-ingress-nginx-admission-create--1-kxlnn   0/1     Completed   0              171d
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-wvtvw                            1/1     Running     0              8d
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-74cjx                            1/1     Running     0              21d
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-tmcw7                            1/1     Running     0              8d

We use the creation time to filter the resources.

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods -l ""
CLUSTER           NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-wvtvw   1/1     Running   0          8d
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-tmcw7   1/1     Running   0          8d

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods -l ""
CLUSTER           NAME                                                 READY   STATUS      RESTARTS       AGE
cluster-example   quickstart-ingress-nginx-admission-create--1-kxlnn   0/1     Completed   0              171d
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-74cjx                            1/1     Running     0              21d

Search by Owner Name

As of v0.1.0, we can specify ancestor or parent Owner UID to query resources, but Owner UID is not convenient to use, after all, you still need to know the UID of the Owner resource in advance.

In v0.2.0, we support querying directly with Owner Name, and the Owner query has been moved from experimental to released functionality, the prefix of Search Label has been upgraded from internalstorage.c to * *, and URL Query is provided.

Role search label key url query
Specified Owner UID ownerUID
Specified Owner Name ownerName
SPecified Owner Group Resource ownerGR
Specified Owner Seniority ownerSeniority

Note that when specifying Owner UID, Owner Name and Owner Group Resource will be ignored.

$ kubectl --cluster cluster-example get pods -l \
    ", \"
CLUSTER           NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-wvtvw   1/1     Running   0          8d
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-74cjx   1/1     Running   0          21d
cluster-example   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-tmcw7   1/1     Running   0          8d

In addition, to avoid multiple types of owner resources in some cases, we can use the Owner Group Resource to restrict the type of owner.

$ kubectl --cluster cluster-example get pods -l \
... some output

Fuzzy Search base on resource names

Since fuzzy search needs to be discussed further, it is temporarily provided as an experimental feature.

Only the Search Label method is supported, URL Query isn’t supported. |Role| search label key|url query| | – | ————— | ——- | |Fuzzy Search for resource name||-|

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -l ""
cluster-example   fake-pod   3/3     3            3           113d

You can use the in operator to pass multiple fuzzy arguments, so that you can filter out resources that have all strings in their names.

Other Features

In v0.1.0, searching the resources allow the number of remaining resources to be returned so that the user can calculate the total number of resources.

This feature has been enhanced in v0.2.0. When offset is too large, remainingItemCount may be negative, ensuring that the total number of resources can always be calculated.

Lean More

Release Notes

  • Support of using Helm Charts for installation (#53, #125, @calvin0327, @wzshiming)
  • PediaCluster supports for importing a cluster using the kubeconfig (#115, @wzshiming)


  • Support for filtering resources by a period of creation (#113, @cleverhu)
  • Support for searching for resources by an Owner name. Now, the feature of Search by Owner is officially released. (#91, @Iceber)

Default Storage Layer

  • Support for fuzzy search by a resource name (#117, @cleverhu)
  • RemainingItemCount can be a negative number. We can still use offset + len(items) + remainingItemCount to calculate the total amount of resources if the Offset is too large. (#123, @cleverhu)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed unnecessary json.Unmarshal and improved performance when searching (#89, #92, @Iceber)


  • Search by Owner has been released as an official feature. and will be removed in the next release. (#91, @Iceber)


  • golangci-lint is used as a static checking tool (#86, #88, @Iceber)
  • Added CI Workloads such as static checking and unit testing for code #87, @Iceber)

Quickly Deploy Clusterpedia with Helm

Currently Clusterpedia has supported a rapid deployment with Helm.

All of first, you need to check if helm v3 is installed in your current environment.


Pull the Clusterpedia repository.

Currently, the chart has not been uploaded to the public charts repository.

git clone
cd clusterpedia/charts

Since Clusterpedia uses bitnami/postgresql and bitnami/mysql as subcharts of storage components, it is necessary to add the bitnami repository and update the dependencies of the clusterpedia chart.

helm repo add bitnami
helm dependency build

Choose storage components

The Clusterpedia chart provides two storage components such as bitnami/postgresql and bitnami/mysql to choose from as sub-charts.

postgresql is the default storage component. IF you want to use MySQL, you can add --set postgresql.enabled=false --set mysql.enabled=true in the subsequent installation command.

For specific configuration about storage components, see bitnami/postgresql and bitnami/mysql.

You can also choose not to install any storage component, but use external components. For related settings, see charts/values.yaml

Choose a installation or management mode for CRDs

Clusterpedia requires proper CRD resources to be created in the retrieval environment. You can choose to manually deploy CRDs by using YAML, or you can manage it with Helm.

Manage manually

kubectl apply -f ./_crds

Manage with Helm

Manually add --set installCRDs=true in the subsequent installation command.

Check if you need to create a local PV

Through the Clusterpedia chart, you can create storage components to use a local PV.

You need to specify the node where the local PV is located through --set persistenceMatchNode=<selected node name> during installation.

If you need not to create the local PV, you can use --set persistenceMatchNode=None to declare it explicitly.

Install Clusterpedia

After the above procedure is completed, you can run the following command to install Clusterpedia:

helm install clusterpedia . \
--namespace clusterpedia-system \
--create-namespace \
--set persistenceMatchNode={{ LOCAL_PV_NODE }} \
--set installCRDs=true

Uninstall Clusterpedia

Before uninstallation, you shall manually clear all PediaCluster resources.

kubectl get pediacluster

You can run the command to uninstall it after the PediaCluster resources are cleared.

helm -n clusterpedia-system uninstall clusterpedia

If you use any CRD resource that is manually created, you also need to manually clear the CRDs.

kubectl delete -f ./_crds

Note that PVC and PV will not be deleted. You need to manually delete them.

If you created a local PV, you need log in to the node and remove all remained data about the local PV.

# Log in to the node with Local PV
rm -rf /var/local/clusterpedia/internalstorage/<storage type>

Clusterpedia Awarded | One of IT Technology Influcence Stars Selected by CSDN

On March 30, CSDN officially announced the selection list of IT technology influence stars, and Clusterpedia was selected as a “Cloud Native Technology Product in 2021”.

In the multi-cloud era, it is more and more complex and becomes a problem for resource management and retrieval in a multi-cluster environment.

In a single cluster, we usually use kubectl to view resources, directly access Kubernetes OpenAPI, or use client-go to retrieve resources in the code.

Now, in a multi-cluster environment, Clusterpedia provides compatibility with Kubernetes OpenAPI, so you can still perform complex retrieval or search for multi-cluster resources like a single cluster without pulling data from each cluster to the local for filtering.

Demo Video |Clusterpedia - Complex Retrieval of Resources in a Multi-Cloud Environment

Iceber, the sponsor of Clusterpedia and a cloud native senior engineer of Daocloud, introduced the functions provided by Clusterpedia about resource retrieval in detail. This video step-by-step demonstrated what issues can be solved by using Clusterepdia.

Clusterpedia is an artifact for multi-cluster resource retrieval

With the increase of services you provide and the continuous expansion of the cluster scale, a single Kubernetes cluster may no longer meet the needs of many enterprises. As the cloud-native technologies develop, a multi-cloud era is coming. It is more complex and difficult to manage and retrieve resources in multiple clusters.

As a result, many excellent open source projects have emerged in the community, such as cluster api for cluster lifecycle management, karmada and clusternet for multi-cloud application management. Clusterpedia is built on these cloud management platforms to provide you with complex search for multi-cluster resources.

In a single cluster, we often use kubectl to view resources, directly access Kubernetes OpenAPI, or use client-go to retrieve resources in the code.

Now, in a multi-cluster environment, Clusterpedia provides compatibility with Kubernetes OpenAPI, so you can still perform complex retrieval or search for multi-cluster resources like a single cluster without pulling data from each cluster to the local for filtering.

In addition, the capabilities of Clusterpedia are not only for searching and viewing. It also supports simple control of resources in the future, just like wiki that also supports to edit entries. Clusterpedia provides the following features now:

  • Support for search with complex conditions, filters, sorting, and paging
  • Support for requesting attached resources when querying resources
  • Use a unified retrieval portal for master cluster and multi-cluster resources
  • Compatible with kubernetes OpenAPI, through which you can directly use kubectl for multi-cluster retrieval and need not any third-party plugins or tools
  • Compatible with collecting different versions of cluster resources and not constrained by the version of master cluster
  • High performance and low memory consumption in the process of resource collection
  • Automatically start and stop resource collection based on to the health status of clusters
  • Support for the pluggable storage layer that indicates you can use other storage components to customize the storage layer
  • High availability

What’s Next

In addition to supporting complex retrieval of multiple clusters, Clusterpedia can provide more benefits, such as a unified portal to the master cluster and multi-cluster resources through an aggregated API, low memory usage and weak network optimization when synchronizing sub-cluster resources in real time. It can also provide a pluggable storage layer to decouple the dependencies of storage components.

In the next topic, we will introduce the specific design and implementation principles, and explain more benefits offered by Clusterpedia, so stay tuned.

Clusterpedia v0.1.0 Release — four important functions

This is the first release of Clusterpedia 🥳🥳🥳, and it also means that it is officially in the iteration phase.

Compared to the initial v0.0.8 and v0.0.9-alpha, v0.1.0 add a lot of features and makes some incompatible updates.

If upgrading from v0.0.9-alpha or v0.0.8, you can refer to Upgrade to Clusterpedia 0.1.0

Features Preview

Role Search Label Key URL Query
Filter cluster names clusters
Filter namespaces namespaces
Filter resource names names
Specified Owner UID -
Specified Owner Seniority ownerSeniority
Order by fields orderby
Set page size limit
Set page offset continue
Response include Continue withContinue
Response include remaining count withRemainingCount

Native Label Selector and enhanced Field Selector supported in addition to search label.

Important Features

Let’s start with the more important features that have been added in 0.1.0

  • The number of remaining items carried in response data
  • Added warnning when searching for resources in a Not Ready cluster
  • Enhancements to the native FieldSelector
  • Search by Parent or Ancestor Owner

When a cluster is not ready for some reason, resources are often not synchronised properly either.

Warnning alerts are used to alert users of cluster exceptions when searching for resources within the cluster, and the resources searched may not be accurate in real time.

$ kubectl get pediacluster
NAME        APISERVER                   VERSION   STATUS
cluster-1    v1.22.2   ClusterSynchroStop

$ kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods
Warning: cluster-1 is not ready and the resources obtained may be inaccurate, reason: ClusterSynchroStop
CLUSTER     NAME                                                 READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-1   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-64fsx                            1/1     Running     0          68d
cluster-1   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-9ftzh                            1/1     Running     0          39d
cluster-1   fake-pod-698dfbbd5b-rk74p                            1/1     Running     0          39d
cluster-1   quickstart-ingress-nginx-admission-create--1-kxlnn   0/1     Completed   0          126d

Field Selector

Native Kubernetes currently only supports field filtering on and metadata.namespace, and the operators only support =, !=, ==`, which is very limited.

Although some specific resources will support some special fields, the use is still rather limited

# kubernetes/pkg
$ grep AddFieldLabelConversionFunc . -r
./apis/core/v1/conversion.go:   err := scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Pod"),
./apis/core/v1/conversion.go:   err = scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Node"),
./apis/core/v1/conversion.go:   err = scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("ReplicationController"),
./apis/core/v1/conversion.go:   return scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Event"),
./apis/core/v1/conversion.go:   return scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Namespace"),
./apis/core/v1/conversion.go:   return scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Secret"),
./apis/certificates/v1/conversion.go:   return scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("CertificateSigningRequest"),
./apis/certificates/v1beta1/conversion.go:      return scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("CertificateSigningRequest"),
./apis/batch/v1/conversion.go:  return scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Job"),
./apis/batch/v1beta1/conversion.go:             err = scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind(kind),
./apis/events/v1/conversion.go: return scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Event"),
./apis/events/v1beta1/conversion.go:    return scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Event"),
./apis/apps/v1beta2/conversion.go:      if err := scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("StatefulSet"),
./apis/apps/v1beta1/conversion.go:      if err := scheme.AddFieldLabelConversionFunc(SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("StatefulSet"),

Clusterpedia provides more powerful features based on the compatibility with existing Field Selector features, and supports the same operators as Label Selector: !, =, !=, ==, in, notin.

For example, we can filter by annotations, like label selector

kubectl get deploy --field-selector="metadata.annotations[''] in (value1, value2)"

Lean More

Search by Parent or Ancestor Owner

There will usually be an Owner relationship between Kubernetes resources.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  - apiVersion: apps/v1
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: ReplicaSet
    name: fake-pod-698dfbbd5b
    uid: d5bf2bdd-47d2-4932-84fb-98bde486d244

Searching by Owner is a very useful search function, and Clusterpedia also supports the seniority advancement of Owner to search for grandparents and even higher seniority.

By searching by Owner, we can query all Pods under Deployment at once, without having to query ReplicaSet in between

Currently only supports query by Owner UID. The feature of using Owner Name for queries is still under discussion, we can join the discussion in the issue: Support for searching resources by owner

$ DEPLOY_UID=$(kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deploy fake-deploy -o jsonpath="{.metadata.uid}")
$ kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get pods -l \

Lean More

The number of remaining items carried in response data

In some UI cases, it is often necessary to get the total number of resources in the current search condition.

The RemainingItemCount field exists in the ListMeta of the Kubernetes List response.

type ListMeta struct {

        // remainingItemCount is the number of subsequent items in the list which are not included in this
        // list response. If the list request contained label or field selectors, then the number of
        // remaining items is unknown and the field will be left unset and omitted during serialization.
        // If the list is complete (either because it is not chunking or because this is the last chunk),
        // then there are no more remaining items and this field will be left unset and omitted during
        // serialization.
        // Servers older than v1.15 do not set this field.
        // The intended use of the remainingItemCount is *estimating* the size of a collection. Clients
        // should not rely on the remainingItemCount to be set or to be exact.
        // +optional
    RemainingItemCount *int64 `json:"remainingItemCount,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=remainingItemCount"`

By reusing this field, the total number of resources can be returned in a Kubernetes OpenAPI-compatible manner:

offset + len(list.items) + list.metadata.remainingItemCount

Use with Paging

$ kubectl get --raw="/apis/" | jq
  "kind": "DeploymentList",
  "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
  "metadata": {
    "remainingItemCount": 23
  "items": [

Lean More

Realease v0.1.0

Upgrade to Clusterpedia 0.1.0

With the release of Clusterpedia 0.1.0, we can now update the earlier 0.0.9-alpha or 0.0.8 to 0.1.0

Clean Resources

Since the url path to search resources has been modified(#73), we need to use in 0.0.9-alpha to clean up the cluster shortcut in the .kube/config

curl -sfL | sh -

Backup and delete the PediaCluster resources.

kubectl get pediacluster -o yaml > clusters.yaml.bak

kubectl delete pediacluster --all

After all PediaCluster resources have been deleted, remove the PediaCluster CRD

kubectl delete crd

Remove the APIServices used to register the Aggregated API

kubectl delete apiservices

Upgrade Clusterpedia

Create PediaCluster CRD, and upgrade Clusterpedia APIServer and Clustersynchro Manager.


kubectl apply -f \

We can also download the YAML locally, or pull the clusterpedia locally and go to ./deploy directory and run kubectl apply

Re-import the clusters

Since the APIVersion and schema of PediaCluster have been optimized for incompatibility, it it necessary to recreate PediaCluster based on the backed up clusters.yaml.bak.

The current example of PediaCluster:

kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-example
  apiserver: ""
  - group: apps
     - deployments
  - group: ""
     - pods

There are three main changes compared to 0.0.9-alpha:

  • apiVersion: ->
  • spec.apiserverURL -> spec.apiserver
  • spec.resources -> spec.syncResources

The specific changes can be viewed: #70 #67 #76 #77

Create new pediaclusters based on the old pediaclusters in clusters.yaml.bak

kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-1
spec: {}
kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-2
spec: {}

View clusters status

kubectl get pediacluster

Configure the cluster shortcut for kubectl

curl -sfL | sh -

Clusterpedia with kubectl support to retrieve multicluster resources

This name Clusterpedia is inspired by Wikipedia. It is an encyclopedia of multi-cluster to synchronize, search for, and simply control multi-cluster resources. Clusterpedia can synchronize resources with multiple clusters and provide more powerful search features on the basis of compatibility with Kubernetes OpenAPI to help you effectively get any multi-cluster resource that you are looking for in a quick and easy way.

The capability of Clusterpedia is not only to search for and view but also simply control resources in the future, just like Wikipedia that supports for editing entries.


The architecture diagram of Clusterpedia is as follows:

The architecture consists of four parts:
  • Clusterpedia APIServer: Register to Kube APIServer by the means of Aggregated API and provide services through a unified entrance
  • ClusterSynchro Manager: Manage the Cluster Synchro that is used to synchronize cluster resources
  • Storage Layer: Connect with a specific storage component and then register to Clusterpedia APIServer and ClusterSynchro Manager via a storage interface
  • Storage component: A specific storage facility such as MySQL, postgres, redis or other graph databases

In addition, Clusterpedia will use the custom resource PediaCluster to implement cluster authentication and synchronize the resource configuration.

Clusterpedia also provides a default storage layer that can connect with MySQL and postgres.

Clusterpedia does not care about the specific storage settings used by users, you can choose or implement the storage layer according to your own needs and then register the storage layer in Clusterpedia as a plug-in


  • Support for complex search, filters, sorting, paging, and more
  • Support for requesting relevant resources when you query resources
  • Unify the search entry for master clusters and multi-cluster resources
  • Compatible with kubernetes OpenAPI, where you can directly use kubectl for multi-cluster search without any third-party plug-ins or tools
  • Compatible with synchronizing different versions of cluster resources, not restricted by the version of master cluster
  • High performance and low memory consumption for resource synchronization
  • Automatically start/stop resource synchronization according to the current health status of the cluster - Support for plug-in storage layer. You can use other storage components to customize the storage layer according to your needs.
  • High availability

The above unimplemented features are already in the Roadmap


For details on the deployment process, see Instaling Clusterpedia, which highlights how to use clusterpedia.

Synchronize cluster resources

After deploying clusterpedia crds, you can use kubectl to operate PediaCluster resources.

$ kubectl get pediaclusters

In the examples directory, you can check examples of PediaCluster:

kind: PediaCluster
  name: cluster-example
  apiserverURL: ""
  caData: ""
  tokenData: ""
  certData: ""
  keyData: ""
  - group: apps
     - deployments
  - group: ""
     - pods

The configuration of PediaCluster can be divided into two parts:

  • Cluster authentication
  • Synchronize a specific resource .spec.resources

Cluster authentication

The fields of caData, tokenData, certData, and keyData can be used for cluster verification.

Currently it does not support for getting the relevant verification information from ConfigMap or Secret. However, the information is already in the Roadmap.

When setting the verification field, you shall use the strings encoded by base64.

The . /examples directory provides the rbac yaml clusterpedia_synchro_rbac.yaml, which can be used to easily obtain the permission token for a subcluster.

Deploy the yaml in the subcluster and get the proper token and CA certificate.

$ # Switch to the sub-cluster to create rbac related resources
$ kubectl apply -f examples/clusterpedia_synchro_rbac.yaml
$ SYNCHRO_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret $(kubectl get serviceaccount clusterpedia-synchro -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') -o jsonpath='{.data.token}')
$ SYNCHRO_CA=$(kubectl get secret $(kubectl get serviceaccount clusterpedia-synchro -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') -o jsonpath='{\.crt}')

Copy ./examples/pediacluster.yaml, modify .spec.apiserverURL and fields, and fill $SYNCHRO_TOKEN and $SYNCHRO_CA into tokenData and caData.

$ kubectl apply -f cluster-1.yaml created

Synchronize resources

You can specify the synchronized resources by setting group in the spec.resources field and the resources section under group.

You can also view the resource synchronization status in the status section:

  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-12-02T04:00:45Z"
    message: ""
    reason: Healthy
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  - group: ""
    - kind: Pod
      namespaced: true
      resource: pods
      - lastTransitionTime: "2021-12-02T04:00:45Z"
        status: Syncing
        storageVersion: v1
        version: v1
  - group: apps
    - kind: Deployment
      namespaced: true
      resource: deployments
      - lastTransitionTime: "2021-12-02T04:00:45Z"
        status: Syncing
        storageVersion: v1
        version: v1
  version: v1.22.2

Search for resources

After configuring the resources to be synchronized, you can search for the cluster resources. Clusterpedia supports two types of resource search:

  • Search for resources that are compatible with Kubernetes OpenAPI
  • Search for Collection Resource
$ kubectl api-resources | grep
collectionresources  false   CollectionResource
resources       false   Resources

In order to facilitate and well use kubectl for searching, you’d better create a ‘shortcut’ for searching the sub-cluster through make gen-clusterconfig:

$ make gen-clusterconfigs
Current Context: kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
Current Cluster: kubernetes
        TLS Server Name:
        Insecure Skip TLS Verify:
        Certificate Authority:
        Certificate Authority Data: ***
Cluster "clusterpedia" set.
Cluster "cluster-1" set.

Use the kubectl config get-clusters command to view the currently supported clusters.

In this case, Clusterpedia is a special cluster used to search for multi-clusters by using kubectl --cluster clusterpedia.

First check which resources are synchronized. You cannot find a resource until it is properly synchronized:

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia api-resources
pods          po           v1           true         Pod
deployments   deploy       apps/v1      true         Deployment

You can check the currently synchronized resources including pods and deployments.apps.

Get deployments in the kube-system namespace of all clusters:

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -n kube-system
CLUSTER     NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d

Get deployments in the two namespaces kube-system and default of all clusters:

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l " in (kube-system, default)"
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-scheduler      0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-web            0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   hello-world-server        1/1     1            1           27d
default       cluster-2   keycloak                  1/1     1            1           52d
default       cluster-2   keycloak-02               1/1     1            1           41d
default       cluster-2   my-nginx                  1/1     1            1           40d
default       cluster-2   nginx-dev                 1/1     1            1           15d
default       cluster-2   openldap                  1/1     1            1           41d
default       cluster-2   phpldapadmin              1/1     1            1           41d

Get deployments in the kube-system and default namespaces in cluster-1 and cluster-2:

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l " in (cluster-1, cluster-2),\ in (kube-system,default)"
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-scheduler      0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-web            0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   hello-world-server        1/1     1            1           27d
default       cluster-2   keycloak                  1/1     1            1           52d
default       cluster-2   keycloak-02               1/1     1            1           41d
default       cluster-2   my-nginx                  1/1     1            1           40d
default       cluster-2   nginx-dev                 1/1     1            1           15d
default       cluster-2   openldap                  1/1     1            1           41d
default       cluster-2   phpldapadmin              1/1     1            1           41d

Get deployments in the kube-system and default namespaces in cluster-1 and cluster-2:

$ kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments -A -l " in (cluster-1, cluster-2),\ in (kube-system,default),\"
kube-system   cluster-2   calico-kube-controllers   1/1     1            1           64d
kube-system   cluster-1   coredns                   2/2     2            2           68d
kube-system   cluster-2   coredns                   2/2     2            2           64d
default       cluster-2   dao-2048-2048             1/1     1            1           21d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-scheduler      0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   dd-airflow-web            0/1     1            0           54d
default       cluster-2   hello-world-server        1/1     1            1           27d
default       cluster-2   keycloak                  1/1     1            1           52d
default       cluster-2   keycloak-02               1/1     1            1           41d
default       cluster-2   my-nginx                  1/1     1            1           40d
default       cluster-2   nginx-dev                 1/1     1            1           15d
default       cluster-2   openldap                  1/1     1            1           41d
default       cluster-2   phpldapadmin              1/1     1            1           41d

Search a specific cluster

If you want to search a specific cluster for any resource therein, you can add –cluster to specify the cluster name:

$ kubectl --cluster cluster-1 get deployments -A
NAMESPACE                           CLUSTER     NAME                                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
calico-apiserver                    cluster-1   calico-apiserver                                1/1     1            1           68d
calico-system                       cluster-1   calico-kube-controllers                         1/1     1            1           68d
calico-system                       cluster-1   calico-typha                                    1/1     1            1           68d
capi-system                         cluster-1   capi-controller-manager                         1/1     1            1           42d
capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system       cluster-1   capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager       1/1     1            1           42d
capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system   cluster-1   capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           42d
capv-system                         cluster-1   capv-controller-manager                         1/1     1            1           42d
cert-manager                        cluster-1   cert-manager                                    1/1     1            1           42d
cert-manager                        cluster-1   cert-manager-cainjector                         1/1     1            1           42d
cert-manager                        cluster-1   cert-manager-webhook                            1/1     1            1           42d
clusterpedia-system                 cluster-1   clusterpedia-apiserver                          1/1     1            1           27m
clusterpedia-system                 cluster-1   clusterpedia-clustersynchro-manager             1/1     1            1           27m
clusterpedia-system                 cluster-1   clusterpedia-internalstorage-mysql              1/1     1            1           29m
kube-system                         cluster-1   coredns                                         2/2     2            2           68d
tigera-operator                     cluster-1   tigera-operator                                 1/1     1            1           68d

Except for, the support for other complex queries is same as that for multi-cluster search.

If you want to learn about the details of a resource, you need to specify which cluster it is:

$ kubectl --cluster cluster-1 -n kube-system get deployments coredns -o wide
CLUSTER     NAME      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE   CONTAINERS   IMAGES                                                   SELECTOR
cluster-1   coredns   2/2     2            2           68d   coredns   k8s-app=kube-dns

Clusterpedia supports for the following complex search:

  • Specify one or more cluster names
  • Specify one or more namespaces
  • Specify one or more resource names
  • Specify how to sort multiple fields
  • Paging function, by which you can specify its size and offset
  • filter by labels

The actual effect of field sorting depends on the storage layer. By default, the storage layer supports for sorting according to cluster, name, namespace, created_at, and resource_version in a normal or reverse order.

How search conditions are applied

The above example demonstrates how you can use kubectl to search for resources. Where, complex search conditions are applied via a label. Clusterpedia also supports for using these search conditions directly through url query.

role label key url query example
Specified resource name names ?names=pod-1,pod-2
Specified namespace namespaces ?namespaces=kube-system,default
Specified cluster name clusters ?clusters=cluster-1,cluster-2
Sort by specified fileds orderby ?orderby=name desc,namespace
Specified size size ?size=100
Specified offset offset ?offset=10

The operators of label key include ==, =, !=, in, not in. For the size condition, kubectl can specify a size by --chunk-size instead of the label key.

Collection Resource

Clusterpedia can also perform more advanced aggregation of resources. For example, you can use Collection Resource to get a set of different resources at once.

Let’s first check which Collection Resource currently Clusterpedia supports:

$ kubectl get collectionresources
workloads   deployments.apps,daemonsets.apps,statefulsets.apps

By getting workloads, you can get a set of resources aggregated by deployment, daemonset, and statefulset, and Collection Resource also supports for all complex queries.

kubectl get collectionresources workloads will get the corresponding resources of all namespaces in all clusters by default:

$ kubectl get collectionresources workloads
CLUSTER     GROUP   VERSION   KIND         NAMESPACE                     NAME                                          AGE
cluster-1   apps    v1        DaemonSet    kube-system                   vsphere-cloud-controller-manager              63d
cluster-2   apps    v1        Deployment   kube-system                   calico-kube-controllers                       109d
cluster-2   apps    v1        Deployment   kube-system                   coredns-coredns                               109d

Add the collection of Daemonset in cluster-1 and some of the above output is cut out

Due to the limitation of kubectl, you cannot use complex queries in kubectl and can only be queried by url query.


Perform more complex control over resources

In addition to resource search, similar to Wikipedia, Clusterpedia should also have simple capability of resource control, such as watch, create, delete, update, and more.

In fact, a write action is implemented by double write + response.

We will discuss this feature and decide whether we should implement it according to the community needs

Automatic discovery and resource synchronization

The resource used to represent the cluster in Clusterpedia is called PediaCluster, not a simple Cluster.

**This is because Clusterpedia was originally designed to build on the existing multi-cluster management platform. **

In order to keep the original intention, the first issue is that Clusterpedia should not conflict with the resources in the existing multi-cluster platform. Cluster is a very common resource name that represents a cluster.

In addition, in order to better connect with the existing multi-cluster platform and enable the connected clusters automatically complete resource synchronization, we need a new mechanism to discover clusters. This discovery mechanism needs to solve the following issues:

  • Get the authentication info to access the cluster
  • Configure conditions that trigger the lifecycle of PediaCluster
  • Set the default policy and prefix name for resource synchronization

This feature will be discussed and implemented in detail in Q1 or Q2 2022.


Currently, it is only a tentative roadmap and the specific schedule depends on the community needs.

About some features not added to Roadmap, you can discuss in issues.

Q4 2021

Q1 2022

Q2 2022

  • Support for more control over cluster resources, such as watch/create/update/delete operations
  • The storage layer supports for custom Collection Resource by default
  • Support for requests with relevant resources


Multi-cluster network connectivity

Clusterpedia does not actually solve the problem of network connectivity in a multi-cluster environment. You can use tools such as tower to connect and access sub-clusters, or use submariner or skupper to solve cross-cluster network problems.